Diplomatic Economic Club® Since 1997

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    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    Water, water, water everywhere
    The meeting in the Diplomatic СlubPrivate degustation taste consumption of bottled natural mineral water sold in shops of Latvia, were held in Diplomatic Economic Club
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    24.11.2016 (7008)

    Medieval buildings, churches in baroque and classicism
    A meeting of members of the club in VilniusMembers of the Diplomatic Economic Club visited with a guided tour and saw the sights of Vilnius held a meeting of the club
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    12.11.2016 (5008)

    New products and trends in the beauty industry
    Baltic Beauty 2016Members of the Club took part in the viewing of the exhibits of the exhibition «Baltic Beauty 2016» held at the international exhibition center in Riga
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    04.11.2016 (4942)

    Flanders Investment and Trade
    The Agency of Flanders Investment and Trade, Thomas CastrelGuest in the Diplomatic Economic Club Thomas Castrel, counsellor of the Embassy of Belgium, the head of The Agency of Flanders Investment and Trade in the Baltic States
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    27.10.2016 (6644)

    Platform for business contacts and exchange of information
    Environment and Energy. House. Apartment 2016Members of Diplomatic economic club took part in opening of expositions the international exhibition «Environment and Energy 2016», «House. Apartment 2016», «Realty & Investment», held in Riga from 13 to 16 October
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    13.10.2016 (4426)

    Meeting at the Diplomatic Club with the Ambassador of the Netherlands in Latvia
    Meeting at the Diplomatic Club with the Ambassador of the Netherlands in LatviaOn 29th of September in the Diplomatic Economic Club held a meeting with the Ambassador of the Netherlands in Latvia Pieter Jan Langenberg
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    29.09.2016 (5219)

    Reception of the Embassy of China in Latvia
    Reception of the Embassy of China in LatviaExtraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of China Huang Yong held 26 September 2016 solemn reception on the occasion of the national holiday of China
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    26.09.2016 (4218)

    International exhibition of medicine in Riga
    Medbaltica 2016Medical exhibition «Medbaltica 2016», which involved over 100 organizations from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belgium, Belarus, Italy, Russia, China and other countries passes in Riga on 22-24 September
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    22.09.2016 (5041)

    Annual Golf tournament the Ambassador of Kazakhstan
    Annual Golf tournament the Ambassador of KazakhstanTraditional III international Golf tournament for prizes of the Ambassador of Kazakhstan and Rietumu Banka, held on the golf course of the Golf club «Viesturi» near Riga
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    17.09.2016 (5077)

    Opening of the international food exhibition
    Exhibition Riga Food 2016. The President of Latvia and Prime Minister of Latvia opens exhibition.Riga Food exhibition 2016 is 7 — 10 September at the International exhibition center in Kipsala. In the opening ceremony of the exhibition inspection of exposures was attended by the President of Latvia, the President of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of agriculture of Latvia, ambassadors and members of Diplomatic Economic Club
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    07.09.2016 (5974)

    Condolences on the passing away of the President of Uzbekistan
    Diplomatic Economic Club expresses sincere condolences on the bereavement of the people of Uzbekistan — the death of President Islam Karimov
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    04.09.2016 (4547)

    Reception of the Embassy of Ukraine in Latvia
    Reception of the Ambassador of Ukraine in Latvia Evgeny Perebiynis from Ukraine on the occasion of Independence Day of Ukraine was held on 2 September at the Pullman Riga Old Town hotel
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    02.09.2016 (4727)

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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    Руководителям стран и человечеству

    Дипломатический экономический Клуб категорически осуждает и не приемлет любые виды агрессий, вооруженные столкновения, войны между странами, которые сейчас проходят здесь рядом, в центре Европе, на других континентах мира, в Азии, в Африке.
    Ничто не может оправдывать применение силы в любых обстоятельствах, везде страдают простые люди.
    Призываем все стороны, руководителей всех уровней к мирному разрешению любых разногласий через диалог и переговоры.
    Только Мир на нашей планете, только Дружба и взаимное понимание способствуют жизни людей.
    Не допускайте даже мыслей и намёков о третьей мировой войне, об атомном оружии.
    У человечества есть память о войнах XX века, если забыли, вспомните. Diplomatic Club for Peace

    Stop War! Peace All Over the World

    Diplomatic Economic Club
    объединяет участников 37 стран мира.

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    По вопросам помощи беженцам

    Портал по вопросам оказания любой помощи пострадавшим из Украины.

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    Tel +371 66 119 148


    Переговоры, основанные на высоком интеллекте
    Дресс-код и дипломатия
    Необычный дипломатический чайный вечер в Клубе
    Крупнейший портовый город, второй после Берлина и седьмой по величине в Евросоюзе
    В электронной переписке можно применить известный принцип kiss: не придумывать лишнего и не превышать разумной длины письма

    Международные выставки

    Организатор международных выставок — компания ВТ 1