Diplomatic Economic Club® Since 1997

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    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    Reception at the Georgia’s Embassy to Latvia
    Reception at the Georgian Embassy to LatviaGeorgia’s ambassador to Latvia Teimuraz Janjalia led an evening to celebrate Georgia’s Independence Day, which falls into May 26
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    26.05.2015 (6699)

    Friendship wins
    Diplomatic economic club’s Bowling championship 2015Ninth open Diplomatic economic club’s bowling championship was held on May 14, 2015. Traditionally the championship finds place in Unimars bowling centre.
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    14.05.2015 (6551)

    National Day of Republic of Poland, Embassy organized reception
    A reception at the Great Guild Hall organized by the Polish Embassy to Latvia on the occasion of 3rd of May celebration, the Constitution Day. Polish constitution was declared in 1791.
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    06.05.2015 (5867)

    Engineering in negotiation processes
    In the Diplomatic Economic Club was held a meeting with Dr. V.Butenko – the researcher of the Department of negotiations and management of conflicts of the Federal Technical University of Switzerland (ETH) in Zurich.
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    29.04.2015 (5319)

    Diplomatic club members visiting Nature Expo exhibition
    International agricultural, forestry and garden exhibition „Nature Expo 2015“ on April 24-26. Equipment and technological solutions for garden, forest and field
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    24.04.2015 (9074)

    Four car show elements
    Diplomatic club members participated in the opening of the international car industry exhibition „Auto 2015“ which unifies several various car industry sectors.
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    10.04.2015 (6106)

    Czech lands are well known from the end of the IX century
    Guest of the Diplomatic Economic Club the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Latvia, H.E. Mr Pavol Šepel’ák spoke about current developments of trade – economic relations between Latvia and Czech Republic.
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    02.04.2015 (5531)

    Active lifestyle fans
    Club members visited a comprehensive exhibition „Recreation and sport 2015“. Recreational activities and sport, fishing and hunting, yachts and motorcycles, showrooms and competitions
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    27.03.2015 (5472)

    Celebration of Irish St. Patrick’s Day
    Irish Ambassador to Latvia Aidan Kirwan held a reception on St. Patrick’s Day celebration on 17 March
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    17.03.2015 (6044)

    Building exhibition „House I 2015“
    Wide range of modern construction concepts, innovative home environment control systems and many more were presented to Diplomatic club members on the biggest exhibition in Riga
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    12.03.2015 (5818)

    Independence Day of Estonia
    On February 24, the Ambassador of Estonian Embassy in Latvia Tonis Nirk held a reception due to a 97th Anniversary of Estonian Independence Day.
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    24.02.2015 (5589)

    The pancakes symbolizes sun, which elongates the photic day
    Malsenitsa – is an ancient slavonic holiday, that symbolizes the end of the winter. Members of the Diplomatic Economic Club had visited the celebration in Jurmala in sanatorium „Amber shore“
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    22.02.2015 (4881)

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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    Руководителям стран и человечеству

    Дипломатический экономический Клуб категорически осуждает и не приемлет любые виды агрессий, вооруженные столкновения, войны между странами, которые сейчас проходят здесь рядом, в центре Европе, на других континентах мира, в Азии, в Африке.
    Ничто не может оправдывать применение силы в любых обстоятельствах, везде страдают простые люди.
    Призываем все стороны, руководителей всех уровней к мирному разрешению любых разногласий через диалог и переговоры.
    Только Мир на нашей планете, только Дружба и взаимное понимание способствуют жизни людей.
    Не допускайте даже мыслей и намёков о третьей мировой войне, об атомном оружии.
    У человечества есть память о войнах XX века, если забыли, вспомните. Diplomatic Club for Peace

    Stop War! Peace All Over the World

    Diplomatic Economic Club
    объединяет участников 37 стран мира.

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    По вопросам помощи беженцам

    Портал по вопросам оказания любой помощи пострадавшим из Украины.

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    Переговоры, основанные на высоком интеллекте
    Дресс-код и дипломатия
    Необычный дипломатический чайный вечер в Клубе
    Крупнейший портовый город, второй после Берлина и седьмой по величине в Евросоюзе
    В электронной переписке можно применить известный принцип kiss: не придумывать лишнего и не превышать разумной длины письма

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