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    Time for Eastern Europe to show EU a way ahead
    The new EU President, former Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, takes his office as the European Union’s leader on the first day of December 2014. His election to the highest EU post is both a reflection of stronger Eastern European states and a weakness of major Western governments. Bottom-line: EU leadership needs Eastern-European perspectives
    08.12.2014 (8432)

    The Baltic States progress lies on the science’s development path
    Both, a recent Commission’s report and a Eurobarometer survey (October 2014), underline that Europe’s future is based on science achievements. While EU’s member states are still facing many challenges, a lot of solutions to these problems would come from science and new technologies.
    Science and research matter much for the future of Europe.
    14.10.2014 (9651)

    Real and financial economy
    Dr. Marc Faber founder and head of his own investment fund MARC FABER Ltd. Born in Zurich, Switzerland, he studied economics at the University of Zurich.
      Publishes a monthly investment newsletter «Boom Gloom & Doom Report», author of several books. Known by the nickname «Dr Doom».
    16.11.2013 (23450)

    Real economy and derivatives
    Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal and Editor of the globalresearch.ca website
    14.11.2013 (19391)

    Swiss bank bailout turned poison into profit
    When the final chapter of the UBS bailout closes in November, the bank accounts will show tax payers, ordinary account holders and small businesses as the chief beneficiaries.
    02.11.2013 (20814)

    DAVID VERSUS GOLIATH? «As a financial centre Switzerland is a small major power»
    Speaking before the United Nations, Swiss President Ueli Maurer denounced the pressure put on small countries by big ones. Michael Ambuhl, former Secretary of State and negotiations strategist par excellence, puts things into perspective.
    11.10.2013 (12080)

    Eastern European migrants are net contributors – not costs – in the West
    This year the free movement of eastern European workers within the EU has been questioned. Fearing excessive use of their own welfare systems, governments have argued for continued access restrictions.
    18.09.2013 (10267)

    A rating agency for Europe – A good idea?
    US-based credit-rating agencies are regularly subject to condemnation for causing or amplifying financial crises – the Eurozone Crisis in particular. Should Europe try to set up a European agency to counter this? This column discusses evidence that shows that the largest German rating agency was more aggressive than the US Big Three both in terms of a lower level and a higher propensity to quickly downgrade Eurozone problem countries.
    05.07.2013 (10610)

    Human Rights: What and Who Made Them Divide the World?
    Vladimir Makei, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus (since August 2012).
    Resume The human rights debates, which have been high in the past two decades, have proven futile. They increasingly make it clear that it is impossible to change attitudes that are enrooted in centuries-old specific cultural, religious, and other underpinnings.
    05.07.2013 (8854)

    Pension issues in the social EU policies: cross-sectoral approach
    Pension issues in the EU member states are regulated by the so-called supplementary division of competences and are subject to different means from numerous policies. Several Commissioners are responsible for integration process concerning persons under retirement age, i.e. mostly those on pensions.
    19.05.2013 (8005)

    Access to the EU finances for SMEs: key to economic recovery
    A joint European Commission/European Investment Bank Group report on the activities facilitating access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises in 2012 was recently published.
    07.05.2013 (6607)

    Investing in green infrastructure: protecting environment
    Investment in „green agriculture“ intends to bring multiple returns to nature, society and people. The European Commission adopted a new strategy for encouraging the use of green infrastructure and ensuring that the enhancement of natural processes.
    07.05.2013 (5774)

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