Picturesque places in Latvia

19.07.2020 (12995)
Open-air golf

11.07.2020 (12889)
Construction and time: March and June 2020

Club members visited the exhibition.
12.06.2020 (13846)
Summer Fair in Riga

Club members individually visited the Fair
29.05.2020 (13264)
Positive thinking and Opportunities

20.05.2020 (13134)
Economics Webinar

14.05.2020 (13235)
Meetings of our club on the video-conferences

07.05.2020 (13832)
A breath of air to search for a contact

20.04.2020 (14549)
Happy Easter

12.04.2020 (14009)
Unusual tea evening at the Club

Riga, Vilnius, Minsk, Budapest, Warsaw, Chisinau, Geneva, Banska Bystrica, Yerevan, Pskov, Moscow, Kiev, Brussels, Beregovo, Copenhagen, Stavropol …
02.04.2020 (14244)
The COVID-19 crisis
What measures are planned by the different Baltic governments to support their economies?
Diplomatic Economic Club®
17.03.2020 (14059)