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    Charity Ball Renaissance era
    In October 2007, in a large hall of Latvian society went Charity Ball Renaissance era
    18.10.2007 (15926)

    Departure home Counsellor of the Embassy of PRC in Latvia
    Departure home Cai YingzhouOctober 6th place wires in the Riga airport for departure Economic — Commercial Counselor of the Embassy of PRC in Latvia Mr Cai Yingzhou
    06.10.2007 (15084)

    In Sporstmeny Club. Nordic Open Masters
    From 5 to 8 October 2007 in Sweden, Bollnas, passed Championship Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Finland) swimming in the category MASTERS, which was attended by athletes from Spain, Estonia, Latvia. 200 athletes over three days went to the start.
    Latvia is to be presented at these competitions athlete Edgar Ozolinsh 4 record Latvia in the age group 45-49 years
    05.10.2007 (15249)

    Exhibitions in the international exhibition centre
    BALTIC FURNITURE 2007 4-7 October in the International Exhibition Centre at Kipsala, Riga, Latvia the exhibition " BALTIC FURNITURE 2007 and " WOODWORKING. MACHINERY. TECHNOLOGY. TOOLS 2007 "
    04.10.2007 (14997)

    Evening at Club
    Mr Gregory PomerantsevIn according with the Plan of Club, October 4, a meeting with the vice president of «Air Baltic» Mr Gregory Pomerantsev
    04.10.2007 (14992)

    Attaché economy Austrian embassy
    Встреча в Grand palace hotelAn evening of September 12 by the Counselor to the Austrian embassy Mr Johannes Brunner on the occasion of the visit to Latvia, and the entry of the commercial attaché Mr. Herwing Palfinger
    12.09.2007 (27332)

    Travel to Augustowski Channel
    September 10-12 Club is organizing a trip for August channel, Grodno region, Belarus
    12.09.2007 (15032)

    Meetings at the exhibition
    Silov J.September 5, 2007 Club members participated in the opening of an international exhibition Riga Food 2007. At a seminar organized jointly with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency, reviewed a number of issues of customs and veterinary inspection for products imported to Russia and CIS countries.
    05.09.2007 (16228)

    Congratulations E. Ozolinsh
    Edgar OzolinshXI European Championship Tournament on water sports (swimming, jumps into the water, synchronous swimming) , Crane, Slovenia with 21.08. on 02.09. At a tournament in Slovenia participated Club member Edgar Ozolinsh
    02.09.2007 (14803)

    Plan of autumn-winter 2007
    Diplomatic Economic ClubAt a meeting board of the club approved the plan of action for the second half of 2007.
    01.09.2007 (14607)

    Opening an information centre
    There was a presentation of the opening of Business Information Center in St. Petersburg, Riga, the Riga City Council Conference Room. Opening an information centre
    28.06.2007 (15091)

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    Diplomatic Club for Peace Appeal to world leaders and humanity

    Diplomatic Economic Club strongly condemns and is not accepting any kind of aggression, military collisions, wars between countries, which are happening here close in the center of Europe, on the other continents of the world, in Asia, in Africa.
    Nothing can justify the use of force in any cases, everywhere it leads to suffering of civilians.
    We call all parts, leaders of all levels for a peaceful solution of any disagreements through the dialog and negotiations.
    Only the Peace on our planet, olny Friendship and mutual understanding promote the life of people.
    Please don't even allow yourself any thought about World War III, about nuclear weapons.
    All the humanity remembers the wars of the 20th century, and if somebody has forgotten, please remember. Diplomatic Club for Peace

    Stop War! Peace All over the World

    Diplomatic Economic Club
    unites members from 37 countries of the world.


    She phrase „Economic Diplomacy“ assumes the diplomatic official activities that are focused on increasing exports, attracting foreign investment and participating in work of the international economic organisations