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    New President of the Diplomatic Economic Club: Thomas Castrel, Belgium
    President of the club elected Thomas Castrel, BelgiumAnnual meeting of the members of Diplomatic Economic Club this year was held in Jurmala, before the exhibition of the tourism industry in Latvia, the Baltic States and abroad
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    02.02.2017 (19605)

    The modern development of Georgia and suggestions for cooperation
    Doing business with Georgia. Ambassador Teimuraz JanjaliaEmbassy of Georgia in Latvia with the support of the Diplomatic Economic Club held a presentation on questions of commercial activity, investment environment and opportunities in Georgia „Doing business with Georgia"“
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    18.01.2017 (18468)

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    Diplomatic Club for Peace Appeal to world leaders and humanity

    Diplomatic Economic Club strongly condemns and is not accepting any kind of aggression, military collisions, wars between countries, which are happening here close in the center of Europe, on the other continents of the world, in Asia, in Africa.
    Nothing can justify the use of force in any cases, everywhere it leads to suffering of civilians.
    We call all parts, leaders of all levels for a peaceful solution of any disagreements through the dialog and negotiations.
    Only the Peace on our planet, olny Friendship and mutual understanding promote the life of people.
    Please don't even allow yourself any thought about World War III, about nuclear weapons.
    All the humanity remembers the wars of the 20th century, and if somebody has forgotten, please remember. Diplomatic Club for Peace

    Stop War! Peace All over the World

    Diplomatic Economic Club
    unites members from 37 countries of the world.


    She phrase „Economic Diplomacy“ assumes the diplomatic official activities that are focused on increasing exports, attracting foreign investment and participating in work of the international economic organisations