By the year 2100 whole nations will be under water
The largest American coastal cities are in danger of being submerged. Furthermore, scientists believe that even in our century several nations will disappear from the maps. They will be, literally, swept away by a huge wave. Furthermore, the steady rise of the ocean level caused by the global warming poses a threat to St. Petersburg. Scientists’ predictions are almost 100 percent accurate.
The researchers from Arizona State University estimated that the ocean level will rise up to 1 meter by the end of the 21st century. Thus, large cities like Miami, New Orleans, Tampa and other coastal regions partially will lose some of their territory. Almost 10% of land from 180 America’s coastal cities will be underwater by the year 2100. The impact on the US economy will be devastating. However, according to the forecast, other nations will suffer from an even worse disaster.
From the ecologists’ point of view, the cataclysm that lies ahead will be an advantage for humanity. The rise of the ocean level by 1 meter will cause the global temperature to increase by 2-18 degrees. These predictions are possible if radical measures to prevent greenhouse gas emissions will be taken. In reality, the consequences are likely to be worse.According to Russia’s WWF (World Wildlife Fund) leader Alexey Kokorin, the almost impossible turn of events, when the water level will rise up to 3 meters, cannot be neglected. „Five or seven years ago, only the thawing of the glaciers was predicted, so nobody even took into consideration the fact that they might collapse. As a result, the issue with the ocean level was being underestimated. In reality, the glaciers are thawing and collapsing at the same time, so it is wise to take precaution measures and take into the consideration that things might go terribly wrong, even if they are absurd“ – said the expert.
It is likely that in a couple of decades the hydraulic engineering structures of St. Petersburg will need modernization. Besides that, several millions of people living in South-East Asia will be forced to migrate. Especially, Bangkok, Calcutta and Shanghai are in danger.
„Although, the rise of the ocean level up to 1 meter is already proven, the question is where and when to start emigration of people,“ says Mr. Kokorin, „For example, Australia and New Zealand have stated that they are ready to accept all the residents from little island nations, especially from Nauru and Tuvalu. The Maldivian sultan intends to buy half of Sri Lanka’s territory and move there with his subjects. The background for this is the rise of ocean level combined with piled-up storm occurrences. If the upraise will be 2-4 meters things will get even more complicated“.