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    The Annual Meeting of the Club  

    On the 29th of September the Annual Meeting of the Club was held. Traditionally, once in a year the general meeting of Club members take a place to determine the orientation of the Club’s life and work.
    The members of the Club expressed thanks to the President of the Club Janos Rekasi for the team-work and wished a happy journey.
    The short account of the Club activities was reported and it is available on the website of the Club.

    The Annual Meeting of the Club

    The particular attention was given to the meeting of the year 2010 and 2011:
    — meeting with the representatives of the Bank sphere — Banks SMP and Baltic International bank,
    — scientific activity – the Center of spatial researches of Riga Technical University, Institute of the organic synthesis of Latvia, Baltic International Academy
    — visits to the gas storage facility in Inchukalns, enterprises in Riga Free Port, Mottra company, Unimars company and others
    — participation in international conference in Saint-Petersburg, meeting with the businessmen,
    — a series of meetings with the Ambassadors of foreign countries.

    The Club is partner of the young designers’ international competition Habitus, where laureates receive the prizes and diplomas of the Club. Since the 2010 Club is a partner of the international tourism exhibition Balttour.
    The traditional activities took a place- „To plant a lilac bush in Friendship Avenue“, bowling competition and golf play training. For the first time the New Year party of the Club was held.
    The Club members thanked the partners of the Club- companies «BT 1», Auseks, sanatorium „Amber Shore“ („Jantarnij Bereg“).

    The Annual Meeting of the Club
    On the picture: Valery Roldugin, Vladimir Lopatko and President of the Club Cornelis J. Groeneveld

    Special words of thanks to Unimars company and Oleg Butenko.
    In view of the Club’s President departure to homeland, the elections of new President and Vice-president were conducted.
    Members of the Board of the Club were confirmed:
    — For President of the Club was elected Vice-President of the Club Cornelis Groeneveld (Cornelis J. Groeneveld) – Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
    — For Vice-President was elected Igor Zaharchuk — First Secretary , counselor of the Embassy of Moldova
    — Vice-President of the Club Oleg Butenko — the director of holding Unimars group
    Members of the Club thanked all members of the Board, who took a part in work Sergey Ratnikov, Valery Roldugin, they will continue their active participation in the life of the Club.
    The plan of the work and future activities of the Club was considered during the meeting.

    The Annual Meeting of the Club
    On the picture: Vice-presidents of the Club: Oleg Butenko and Igor Zaharciuc, Viktor Danilokh.

    In first order to continue meetings with the Ambassadors, to hold economic conference, meetings with the Ministries of Latvia – of Economic, of Finance, of Agriculture. Meetings with the Mayor of Liepaja, Venstpils. Visits to ports and other activities.
    The common opinion of the meeting participants- new cycle of working in the Club.
    The participants of the Club Annual Meeting:
    Aleksandrs Gaponenko, Oleg Butenko, Evgeny Tikhonov, Andrey Ilyin, Viktor Danilokh, Igor Zaharciuc, Sergey Ratnikov, Maksim Preminin, Daniel Gzhenda, Dawid Tomaszewski, Valery Roldugin, Vladimir Lopatko, Cornelis J. Groeneveld.
    Board of the Club expresses thanks to Club assistants who took a part in preparing and holding the activities.

    Archive 2011 - 2016 »  The Annual Meeting of the Club »  Views: 12724   Diplomatic Club

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    Diplomatic Economic Club strongly condemns and is not accepting any kind of aggression, military collisions, wars between countries, which are happening here close in the center of Europe, on the other continents of the world, in Asia, in Africa.
    Nothing can justify the use of force in any cases, everywhere it leads to suffering of civilians.
    We call all parts, leaders of all levels for a peaceful solution of any disagreements through the dialog and negotiations.
    Only the Peace on our planet, olny Friendship and mutual understanding promote the life of people.
    Please don't even allow yourself any thought about World War III, about nuclear weapons.
    All the humanity remembers the wars of the 20th century, and if somebody has forgotten, please remember. Diplomatic Club for Peace

    Stop War! Peace All over the World

    Diplomatic Economic Club
    unites members from 37 countries of the world.


    She phrase „Economic Diplomacy“ assumes the diplomatic official activities that are focused on increasing exports, attracting foreign investment and participating in work of the international economic organisations