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    Czech lands are well known from the end of the IX century  

    The Ambassador of the Czech Republic H.E. Mr Pavol Šepel’ák at the meeting in the Diplomatic Economic Club on 2nd April 2015.

    On 2nd April at the meetings in the Diplomatic Economic Club the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Latvia H.E. Mr Pavol Šepel’ák spoke about the current tendencies in the development of trade-economic relations between Latvia and thy Czech Republic.

    In the beginning of the meeting guests had a chance to watch a film and to listen a story about the Czech Republic.
    The Czech Republic joined NATO in 1999 and European Union in 2004. The same time as joining the EU, the Czech Republic also signed the Schengen Agreement. From 1 January 2009 the Czech Republic was the EU Presidency state during 6 months. The population of the Czech Republic is around 10.5 million, and the population of Prague is about 1, 25 million.

    The Ambassador of the Czech Republic H.E. Mr Pavol Šepel’ák at the meeting in the Diplomatic Economic Club on 2nd April 2015.

    The main industries in the Czech Republic are fuel and energy, metallurgy, machinery, chemical, light and food production. Czech Republic has the most stable and successful economic systems.

    Ambassador H.E. Mr Pavol Šepel’ák also told the story of his Diplomatic path: he has studied in the MSIIR (Moscow State Institute of International Relations) and Oxford. Then he worked as an Ambassador in Pakistan and Luxembourg, and held different Diplomatic positions in international organizations in Switzerland and USA.

    The Ambassador of the Czech Republic H.E. Mr Pavol Šepel’ák at the meeting in the Diplomatic Economic Club on 2nd April 2015. Vice-presidents of the Club – Andrey Kozlov,  Oleg Butenko

    Members of the Club thanked the Ambassador for the very interesting meeting, and wished him success in his job.

    Vice-presidents of the Club Andrey Kozlov and Oleg Butenko handed to the Ambassador a historical book about Latvia as a souvenir to remember the meeting in the Club.

    The Ambassador of the Czech Republic H.E. Mr Pavol Šepel’ák at the meeting in the Diplomatic Economic Club on the 2nd April 2015

    Members present at the meeting
    S.Shushunova,   L.Pankova, A.Butenko, K.Kokina, E.Ozolins, A.Iljins, J.Lopatko, O.Butenko, A.Kozlov, E.Kirvan,  O.Pavuk, V.Roldugin and others.

    Olga Pavuk (the magazine „Baltic course“) baltic-course.com in her article about the meeting noted : 
    "H.E. Ambassador considers the development of the economic connections between the Czech Republic and Latvia as very important.
    If we compare the trade turnover between our countries in 2004 and now, it has grown 2.7 times during ten years, — from 98.3 million EUR to 265.8 million EUR in 2014. However, comparing the turnover in 2014 with 2013, figures show that it has dropped by 18.1% ( in 2013 it was marked a record growth of 324,6 million EUR). The trade balance currently is in the Czech Republic’s favor: export last year made 192.9 million, import 72.9 million EUR.“

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    Nothing can justify the use of force in any cases, everywhere it leads to suffering of civilians.
    We call all parts, leaders of all levels for a peaceful solution of any disagreements through the dialog and negotiations.
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    All the humanity remembers the wars of the 20th century, and if somebody has forgotten, please remember. Diplomatic Club for Peace

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    Diplomatic Economic Club
    unites members from 37 countries of the world.
    Diplomatic Economic Club – is a unique association where people from different countries are to find a common language and contribute to the development of contacts between businessmen of the countries they represent.
    1997 — the beginning of the formation of the idea of creating a club, the establishment of internal interactions in the club on the basis of international exhibitions in Riga, periodic meetings.


    She phrase „Economic Diplomacy“ assumes the diplomatic official activities that are focused on increasing exports, attracting foreign investment and participating in work of the international economic organisations