Jerusalem – city of the 70 names

On the 16th of April in Riga. The Embassy of the State of Israel in the Republic of Latvia hosted an event dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of Independence of the State of Israel on 14th of May 1948
The National anthems of the Republic of Latvia and of the State of Israel have been performed by the members of Liepaja Symphony Orchestra and a singer from the State of Israel

At the event, the Ambassador of the State of Israel Lironne Bar-Sadeh gave a speech, emphasising that this year is very important anniversary for the State of Israel. Looking back at the two and half years of working in the Republic of Latvia, the Ambassador highlighted, sincere relations, which are very important in diplomacy. In 2017, the Minister of Defence and Economy of the State of Israel came with the official visit, as well as the delegations of the committee of the international relations and the committee of the European relations. The President of the State of Israel arrived with the official visit for the 25th anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Israel and Latvia
The Ambassador Lironne Bar-Sadeh wished prosperity and wellness for the citizens of Latvia and Israel.

The Independence day of the State of Israel is celebrated annually in the memory of the declaration of the State of Israel on 14th of May 1948 ( Jewish calendar on 5th Iyyar 5708)
The holiday is celebrated according to Jewish calendar in order for it to fall on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, the closest to the 5th of Iyyar. If necessary the celebration day can change, hence the gap from the beginning of the Memorial Day till the end of the Independence day will not fall on Friday, Saturday or Monday. The holidays never fall on Sunday
Photo: Embassy of Israel,