Friendship Avenue
On 10th June 2010 Club Members took part in the traditional annual action «Plant lilac in the Friendship Avenue».
Every year at the beginning of summer new Club members plant its lilac. More than 40 bushes are already planted.
This year the following Club Members planted the lilac:
Vladimir Lavo Embassy of Slovak Republic,
Viestur Tile, Kaspar Cimermanis BT1 company,
Svyatoslav Ladigin company JT Latvia,
Igor Nazaruk, Aleksandrs Suskevic, Pavel Tkacuk Embassy of Belarus,
Oleg Butenko company Unimars
The tradition of the lilac plating rose in 2002. The representatives from 20 different countries have already planted its lilac!
Anatolij and Oleg Butenko, and their family lilac bush!