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Visu valstu vadītājiem un visiem cilvēkiem pasaulē.
Diplomātiskais ekonomiskais Klubs kategoriski iebilst un nepieņem nekāda veida agresīvas darbības, militāros konfliktus, starpvalstu karus, kas notiek pašlaik, Eiropas centrā, kā arī citos kontinentos – Āzijā, Āfrikā.
Nekas un nekādi apstākļi neattaisno spēka pielietošanu, visur cieš parastie cilvēki. Aicinām visas puses, visa līmeņa vadītājus mierīgā ceļā risināt jebkādas domstarpības, dialoga un pārrunu ceļā. Tikai Miers uz mūsu planētas, tikai Draudzība un savstarpēja cieņa veicina cilvēku dzīvi. Pat nepieļaujiet domas un mājienus par trešo pasaules karu, atomieročiem. Cilvēces atmiņā ir XX gadsimta karti, un ja to aizmirsāt, tad derētu atcerēties. Izbeidziet Karu! Lai ir Miers visā pasaulē!
Ukrainas vēstniecības Latvijā pieņemšana
Ukrainas vēstnieks Latvijā Anatolijs Olijniks sveicināja klātesošus ar uzrunu
Today Ukraine celebrates the 20th anniversary of its independence. Over the last 20 years the Ukrainian nation has established itself as a sovereign state with unique traditions, language and culture.
Ukraine has loudly asserted itself as a democracy. The state is consolidating a political system, based on the rule of law, developed legal culture and effective public management. Today Ukraine has the most comprehensive reform agenda for the economic and social sphere, aimed at improving living standards for its citizens.
Ukraine, as one of the most reliable partners, has chosen the course to European integration. The priority task of the diplomatic service is further integration of Ukraine into European Union, based on the principles of political association and economic integration. The state also develops strategic partnership with the Russian Federation, maintains strategic level of bilateral relations with the USA.
I am pleased to note that the Republic of Latvia occupies a prominent place among the friends of Ukraine. Our states develop pragmatic political dialogue; a bright example of this was an official visit of the President of Ukraine Mr. Viktor Yanukovych to Latvia in December 2010. Both countries successfully develop trade, economic and cultural relations. Latvia is a consistent supporter of Ukraine’s European integration and shares its own experience gained on this path.
Dear guests! The Embassy is profoundly grateful to the companies and persons who supported the organization of today’s event: first of all, to Latvian company Stevedoring, Shipping and Forwarding, Ukrainian companies Hortytsa, Obolon, Shustov and others. Special gratitude should be expressed to trio „Ukrainochka“ for performing Ukrainian songs today.
Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, dear guests! I suggest a toast to Ukraine, to Ukrainian people, to its welfare and prosperity!
Moldovas vēstniecības pirmais sekretārs Igors Zaharčuks un Ķīnas Tautas Republikas padomnieks un vēstnieka vietnieks Li Bižians (Li Bijian)
Norvēģijas vēstniecības padomnieks Ragnars Haugs (pa kreisi)