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    The World Champion in swimming (category — Masters) — Edgar Ozolins

    Club Sportsmen — Edgar Ozolins From July 27th to August 7th, 2010 in Gothenburg (Sweden), the XIII World Swimming Championship in Master`s category was held. Edgar Ozolins twice won the title of world championin swimming and was awarded with 2 gold medals for winning at 100 and 200 m freestyle.

    20.08.2010 (25816)

    Commercial attache Herwig Palfinger – new workplace

    Commercial attache Herwig PalfingerOn July 19, 2010 Commercial attaché of the Austrian Embassy Herwig Palfinger spent an evening due to reassignment to a new workplace.

    12.08.2010 (19785)

    Balttour 2011 — International Baltic Tourism Fair in Riga

    International Baltic Tourism Fair in Riga Balttour 2011Balttour 2011 a new impulse in the development and a new level in the tourism industry in 2011 — International Baltic Tourism Fair, February 11-13, International exhibition centre in Riga

    17.07.2010 (25599)

    Flowers laying at the memorial on Lucavsala Island

    Flowers laying at the memorial on Lucavsala Island.On July 12, 2010 the Riga business club arranged flower laying on Lucavsala Island in Riga at the monument to 400 Russian soldiers, who fallen down in 1701 during the Northern War ( 1700- 1721 )

    13.07.2010 (20652)

    Green Camp for children in Riga

    Green Camp for children in RigaThe youth support centre «Kustiba», the sponsor of the centre «Grace» from Mineapolis (USA), an opera singer from Vienna Opera and other organizations organized the sport camp for children Green Camp 2010 these summer days

    11.07.2010 (20426)

    The meeting with the commercial attache of Austria

    The meeting with the commercial attache of AustriaOn 2nd July, the commercial attache of Austria Hervig Palfinger invited guests to the meeting at the new office which now is located Alberta 13, 7.floor, Riga.

    04.07.2010 (22416)

    Reception Embassy of Belarus

    Belarusian Embassy receptionOn July 2, 2010 the reception of the Embassy of Belarus in Latvia was held on the occasion to the Republic Belarus Independence Day- the main holiday of the Republic of Belarus, celebrated on July 3

    04.07.2010 (15922)

    The conclusive gala concert of the Arabesque festival

    The conclusive gala concert of the Arabesk festival In Jurmala passed the final concert of the 10th Arabesk festival,which participated dancing collectives from different countries. National, ballet, modern dancing collectives partook in the competition during the «Arabesk» festival.

    30.06.2010 (22050)

    Golf Training

    Golf TrainingOn 20 June, the Members of the Club met together at the training place of the Golf Club Viesturi.

    20.06.2010 (32502)

    Reception of the Russian Embassy

    Reception of the Russian EmbassyOn 12th June the reception was held on the occasion of the National Day of Russia at the residence of the Ambassador of Russian Federation

    12.06.2010 (17727)

    Friendship Avenue

    Friendship AvenueOn 10th June Club Members took part in the traditional annual action «Plant lilac in the Friendship Avenue»

    10.06.2010 (16164)

    Club meeting

    Club meetingOn 10 June the Club meeting was held where the issues on the Club performance during last 2 years were discussed

    10.06.2010 (17570)

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    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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    Дипломатический экономический Клуб категорически осуждает и не приемлет любые виды агрессий, вооруженные столкновения, войны между странами, которые сейчас проходят здесь рядом, в центре Европе, на других континентах мира, в Азии, в Африке.
    Ничто не может оправдывать применение силы в любых обстоятельствах, везде страдают простые люди.
    Призываем все стороны, руководителей всех уровней к мирному разрешению любых разногласий через диалог и переговоры.
    Только Мир на нашей планете, только Дружба и взаимное понимание способствуют жизни людей.
    Не допускайте даже мыслей и намёков о третьей мировой войне, об атомном оружии.
    У человечества есть память о войнах XX века, если забыли, вспомните. Diplomatic Club for Peace

    Stop War! Peace All Over the World

    Diplomatic Economic Club
    объединяет участников 37 стран мира.

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    Портал по вопросам оказания любой помощи пострадавшим из Украины.

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    Tel +371 66 119 148


    Переговоры, основанные на высоком интеллекте
    Дресс-код и дипломатия
    Необычный дипломатический чайный вечер в Клубе
    Крупнейший портовый город, второй после Берлина и седьмой по величине в Евросоюзе
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