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    »» Archive  »  Green Camp for children in Riga 11.07.2010 (20396)

    Green Camp for children in Riga  

    Green Camp for children in RigaThe youth support centre «Kustiba», the sponsor of the centre «Grace» from Mineapolis (USA), an opera singer from Vienna Opera and other organizations organized the sport camp for children Green Camp 2010 these summer days
    Four representatives from the USA have also worked as the organizators of events at the sport camp.
    Green Camp for children in Riga This camp was located in Riga Secondary School Nr 21 (Tomsona 35) for the period of from 5th to 10th July.Children had the opportunity without any charge, to play football, baseball, to learn some self-defense techniques under the supervision of educators, however, girls learnt the dance «Chirliding» in addition as the support for the players at the sport competitions.The nutrition and the water was also provided.
    Everything was for free.
    Starting with the 18th July there will be held the CREEN CLUB camp for children on Sundays (at 18.00). The location is a sport place of the school Nr 21, Riga, Tomsona 35.
    All the participants were impressed by the events and the opportunities to do sports, to be on the open air, to strengthen the friendship between the children without leaving homes.At the end children received the certificates, medals for the participation in the competitions and the challenge cup of the Green Camp 2010for winners. Green Camp for children in Riga Many parents came to watch the teams`competitions and expressed their gratitude to the organizators and sponsors for the opportunity provided for their children.
    Let`s hope that such sport camps for children will be developed further.

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