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    »» Archive  »  Austrian Embassy reception 26.10.2010 (23537)

    Austrian Embassy reception  

    The Austrian Ambassador to Latvia, Ms. Hermine PoppellerOn October 26th in Riga Design and Art School was held the reception on the occasion to the National Day of the Federal Republic of Austria celebration.
    Some works of the exhibition of design Illustrate, which is going during the festival «Design Future 2010» , were presented on the reception.
    This exhibition invites to open the world through the illustrations of the famous Austrian artists-illustrators. Short movies of the successions of their works were shown also.
    The Austrian Ambassador to Latvia, Ms. Hermine Poppeler congratulated the guests on the National Day of Austria and wished further development of the relations between two countries, extend the possibilities of the student and pupil exchange programms for studying in Austria and Latvia.  
    Austrian Embassy reception  The history of the National Day of the Republic of Austria is bound up with the takig the Soviet forces out from the Austrian territory.
    After the end of the War, in 1943 Austria was occupied by the four Allied powers (Soviet Union, United States, Great Britain and France) and accordingly divided into four zones.
    The negotiations over a State Treaty ending this occupation could finally be brought to conclusion in the spring of 1955: the Austrian State Treaty was signed on 15 May 1955 in Vienna’s Schloß Belvedere and entered into force on July 27 1955. On October 26 the Declaration of Neutrality was confirmed by the Austrian Parliament, declaring the country permanently neutral.
    Austrian Embassy reception Urs Buhler – Counsellor, Embassy of Switzerland
    Austrian Embassy receptionIllustrate — the name of the exhibition, invites to open the world through the illustrations of the famous austrian artists-illustrators. Short movies of the successions of their work were shown also.
    Austrian Embassy reception

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