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    Liliac bush planting in Friendship Avenue  

    Liliac bush planting in Friendship Avenue

    On the 27th of May the Club Members took part in the traditional annual action „Plant lilac in the Friendship Avenue“. This year 12 new bushes were planted.

    This splendid tradition rose in 2002 on N.Kolotilo and Club Members- E.Tikhonov, V.Zhovtenko, N.Patckevich initiative.
    Since that time more than 75 bushes are planted by the representatives of 25 countries.

    Liliac bush planting in Friendship Avenue

    Igor Zakharciuc, Viktor Danilokh and Urs Buhler were first, who decided to plant lilac bushes this year.

     V.Danilokh in Friendship Avenue

    V.Danilokh, Director of Medical SPA , Sanatorium „Yantarniy Bereg“ and E.Tikhonov and V.Dmitriev are helping him

    Alla Gornitskaja. Liliac bush planting in Friendship Avenue

    Alla Gornitskaja, First Secretary, Embassy of Ukraine, planted her lilac bush and watered the bushes planted by the V. Zhovtenko and T. Gavrilyuk.

    Chen Zitao. Liliac bush planting in Friendship Avenue

    Chen Zitao, Director of Chinese restaurant „Old Shanghai“. It is the 5th lilac bush planted by the representatives of PRC in Latvia, in a place „Kolotilovka’.

    A. Samohin. Liliac bush planting in Friendship Avenue

    Alexander Samohin, editor-in-chief of the magazine „Career“.

    Brian O’Beirne. Liliac bush planting in Friendship Avenue

    Igor Nazaruk Embassy of Belarus and Brian O’Beirne, 2nd Secretary, Embassy of the United States.
    It is the first bush, planted by the representative of the USA in Friendship Avenue.

    Brian O’Beirne, V.Danilokh and Urs Buhler

    After the planting N.Kolotilo invited Club Members to taste the fish-soup. It is a tradition to put out the fish-soup with the log from the fire.
    Brian O’Beirne, V.Danilokh and Urs Buhler made the fish-soup more tasty and added the taste of fire in it!

    Igor Nazaruk and Janosh Rekashi

    Igor Nazaruk is finishing his official journey in Latvia. The President of the Club Janos Rekasi thanked him for the excellent attitude, wished a success in a new work place.
    From the name of the Club President decorated Igor Nazaruk with the Medal of the Club „For the successes achieved in the economic relationship development between Belarus and Latvia“, presented the Diploma of the Club and souvenirs. Club Members wished also a success and to reach all the goals.

    Diploma and Medal of the Club

    Diploma and Medal of the Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Liliac bush planting in Friendship Avenue »  Views: 9062   Diplomatic Club

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