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    Reception of the Embassy of France  

    Bastille Day
    On the 14th of July in Riga in Dailes Theatre the Ambassador of France Chantal Poiret  held a reception on the occasion of the French National Day — 14th of July or the Day of storming the Bastille.

    The reception was attended by the Statesmen of Latvia, foreign diplomats, businessmen, men of science and cultural workers.

    The Ambassador of France in Latvia Chantal Poiret The Ambassador of France congratulated the guests on the National Day of France, wished a success and prosperity to people of France and Latvia and to all presents.

    Reception of the Embassy of FranceOn this day in 1789 the fortress-prison Bastille was destroyed. In 1790 on the 14th of July for the first time was celebrated the holiday of Federation, which once and for all united the french people. Since the time, when revolted Parisians stormed the Bastille prison- symbol of the royal despotism, and discharged 7 prisoners, 14th of July was marked as a beginning of the French Revolution.

    The law was made officially on the 6th of July 1880 to celebrate on 14th of July the National Day of France.

    Reception of the Embassy of France The traditional music in original performance sounded on the reception.

    Reception of the Embassy of France. Andre Villers, Daniel Gzhenda with the wife Kristina Andre Villers counsellor, Embassy of Belgium, Daniel Gzhenda Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy.

    Reception of the Embassy of France Counsellor of the Embassy of PRC Li Bijzhan

    Reception of the Embassy of France Aleksandr Veshnyakov the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Pavel Litvinov deputy director of the Gazprom representation in Latvia

    Reception of the Embassy of France. Giovanni Turturiello Giovanni Turturiello commercial attache, Embassy of Italy.

    Daniel Gzhenda, Brian O’Beirne Daniel Gzhenda and Brian O’Beirne Second Secretary, Embassy of the United States

    Reception of the Embassy of France The original French songs’ performance re-created ingenuous spirit of France in the Dailes Theatre.

    Reception of the Embassy of France The reception was supported by a number of joint Latvian-French enterprises.

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Reception of the Embassy of France »  Views: 10071   Diplomatic Club

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