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    Experience of transit potential  

    Experience of transit potential

    On the 22nd March the Club hosted a meeting about the economic potential of the Riga Free port, „LDz Cargo“ subsidiary „LDz Cargo Logistika“ , and the experience of the Netherlands’s ports.
    Edgars Suna – Director of the Riga Free Port Marketing department provided a presentation about the development of port and it’s services, replied various of questions.
    Riga Free port: Presentation
    Edgars Suna with figures and facts demonstrated the success of Riga Free port. The turnover of cargoes there is steadily growing, from 13.3 million tons in 2000 up to 30.5 million tons in 2011. In general, the cargo turnover of the free main ports of Latvia made 67.4 million tons in 2011, of Estonia – 36.5 million tons, Lithuania – 45.5 million tons.

    Experience of transit potential

    Maris Kancans – Member of the Board and Deputy Director of „LDz Cargo Logistika“ told the public about the plans and directions of cargo transportation by Latvian Railway.
    Presentation of „LDz Cargo Logistika“

    Presentation demonstrated the capacity of freight turnover by railway in the free Baltic States in 2011. Latvia is the leader in this field with 59.4 million tons (more than 10 million tons growth comparing to 2010). Lithuania has handled by railway 52.3 million tons (48 million in 2010), Estonia – 30.5 million tons (in 2010 – 28.5 million). The share of Russian cargoes in the structure of LDz handled cargoes makes 67.5%, Belorussian – 21.3%, Lithuanian – 3.7%, Kazakhstan – 3.4%. Maximum, referring to Mr. Kancans, Latvian Railway can handle 80 million tons of cargo per year.

    Experience of transit potential

    Mr. Cornelis Groeneveld – Counselor of the Embassy of the Netherlands told about the history of creation of such a huge transport connections network on he’s country’s territory, modern infrastructure interaction, demonstrated the possibilities of the Rotterdam port – leader of transport and logistics in Europe, which handled 434.6 (!) million tons of cargo in 2011. The global international hub works in co-operation with «Schiphol Airport», and this is one of the success components. The other advantage is geographical location, where close is a great neighbor – Germany. Altogether Holland has 15 marine ports in four strategic regions of the country.

     Experience of transit potential

    Attended the meeting:
    Cornelis Groeneveld, Aleksandr Gaponenko, Ragnar Haug, Maxim Preminin, Andrey Ilyin, Andrei Volkov, Dmitry Cherepkov, Inessa Trushina,  Maris Zubach, Daniel Grzenda, Igor Zakharciuc, Oleg Butenko, Nikolay Kolotilo, Lolita Pankova,  Dawid Tomaszewski, Gregory Krupnik, Olga Pavuk, Valery Roldugin and other

     Experience of transit potential

    At the meeting Maris Zubacs, Counselor of the Riga trade port was accepted to become the Club member.

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Experience of transit potential »  Views: 7570   Diplomatic Club

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