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    Meeting with President of the Bank of Latvia  

     Meeting with President of the Bank of Latvia

    June 26 at the initiative and with participation in the organization of the Russian Embassy Counselor Eugene Tikhonov, a meeting of members of the Club with the President of the Bank of Latvia Ilmars Rimsevics and was an excursion to the educational center «Money World».

     Meeting with President of the Bank of Latvia

    Meeting with President of the Bank of Latvia was held in the Council Chamber.

     Meeting with President of the Bank of Latvia

    Ilmars Rimsevics a presentation on the current financial situation in Latvia and the world economy.

    Presentation *.pdf

      Museum of money

    Head of «Money Museum» Janis Motivans and the manager of the exhibition Kaspars Kravinskis had a tour of the educational world of finance and money, which clearly shows the mechanisms of the banking system and presents a variety of activities.

    You can clearly understand and try to lift the bags of gold, which at the forks look small, but the hefty weight. Write 20 kg of gold — a small bag, valued at around 600 000 LVL.

     Museum of money

    Club members would like to thank the head of the center of J. Motivans for a fascinating and informative journey into the "World of Money "

     Museum of money  Museum of money
     Museum of money  Museum of money
     Meeting with President of the Bank of Latvia

    The overall picture
    Ilmars Rimsevics (center) — President of the Bank of Latvia
    Cornelis J. Groeneveld – Counselor, Deputy head of Mission, Embassy of the Netherlands, Evgeny Tikhonov – Counselor, Embassy of Russia, Vladimir Kozlovsky – Counselor, Embassy of Belarus, Lolita Pankova – Representative FINPRO, Embassy of Finland, Maxim Preminin – Secretary Embassy of Russia, Liu Jun – Counsellor, Embassy of P.R.C., Evija Tabune — Commercial Assistant, AWEX Embassy of Belgium, Igor Zakharciuc – First Secretary, Embassy of Moldova, Chang Min – Secretary, Embassy of P.R.C., Andre Villers – Counselor, Embassy of Belgium,  Anatoly Butenko – Secretary of DEC

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Meeting with President of the Bank of Latvia »  Views: 8976   Diplomatic Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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