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    Education is in New Zealand  

    6 of September in Diplomatic Club was a meeting with an owner and director of private college in New Zealand with Mr. Bruce Tong and representative of New Knowledge NZ with Tina Buchanan.

    Director of Wentworth private college in New Zealand told us about education system in New Zealand and country

    Bruce Tong Feature of life and education in New Zealand
    Director of private college Wentworth private college in New Zealand Bruce Tong

    Wentworth College is a private school in Auckland, New Zealand. As Principal and part owner of the school it gives me great pleasure to talk about New Zealand and then the excellent educational opportunities that exist in New Zealand for students from Europe to study. I will conclude my talk with images from my power point of my school, Wentworth College.New Zealand is a stunningly beautiful country with a small population of 4.5 million people. It has a very good standard of living and internationally is recognized as a very safe and politically stable place to live and visit.

    Largely pollution free, children in New Zealand grow up spending a great amount of time in the outdoors, playing sport, tramping, camping and swimming at the beautiful beaches. New Zealand children are encouraged to push their personal boundaries and face challenges with confidence.

    The climate in the North Island is temperate with mild winters and warm summers. In the South Island, which is predominantly mountainous has hot summers and cold winters with plenty of snow for excellent skiing.New Zealand has an exporting prominence in dairy products, meat and wool from sheep as well as timber products. Tourism and adventure tourism is a rapidly growing industry that will play a major part in our country for the future. The production of outstanding wines especially Rieslings, sauvignon blanc and pinot noir has placed New Zealand internationally as one of the world’s finest wine growing regions for these varieties.

    Edgar Ozolinsh Feature of life and education in New Zealand
    Edgar Ozolins – visitor of Cook Island

    Wentworth College is a secondary school and is one of the top academic private schools in New Zealand offering an international qualification that had global significance. Wentworth College students study the International Cambridge Qualification system that is taught in 160 countries in the world. Over 90 % of Wentworth students study at universities once they complete their secondary education.

    A feature of this school is its location, next to the most prestigious yacht marina in New Zealand, bordered by the outstanding international golf course „Gulf Harbour Country Club“ and only 5 minutes from a wonderful wild life regional park. Combined these with the 7 beautiful, crystal clear beaches that are within 10 minutes of the school Wentworth College is indeed fortunate to be in such an idyllic environment for a school and to educate students from New Zealand and overseas.

    Wentworth College has 250 students with a feature of teachers getting to know their students really well. There is a teacher pupil ratio of 1:11 students the very best of teaching and care. International students especially from Europe are attending the school for periods of 3 months, 1 year and some for up to 3 years. The ability to extend their English knowledge, experience the wonderful outdoor educational culture, follow a high quality education program within a very safe and caring environment is indeed a wonderful opportunity for students from overseas.

    Bruce Tong with wife and Cornelis J. Groeneved
    Bruce Tong with wife and Cornelis J. Groeneved"

    The images from my PowerPoint will give you an insight of our school. I welcome expression of interest for children from your country to consider studying at my school.

    Director of New Knowledge NZ Tina Buchanan, www.nknz.co.nz, who represent colleges and institutes abroad, first told about country and why people tend to get or to improve their education in Universities of New Zealand

    Feature of life and education in New Zealand
    Feature of life and education in New Zealand

    «New Zealand is a desirable country for international students.
    New Zealand leads the world for education according to the UN Development Program’s 2011 Human Development Report that ranks us ahead Norway, Australia, Ireland and US.
    The number of students increases every year. Students come from Japan, Korea, China, Germany, Belgium, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, and Latvia, just to mention a few.

    New Zealand with population 4.5 million is a beautiful, unique country, with an exceptional landscape and surprising nature: volcanic hills, geysers, boiling mud pools, glaciers, snow peaked mountains, natural hot water pools, lakes, forests, islands and beautiful sandy beaches. Fans of active life stile can enjoy sailing, cruising, surfing, fishing; mountain skiing, snowboarding, „bungs jumping„.

    Feature of life and education in New Zealand

    Here there are no wild animals, snakes, crocodile or dangerous mosquitoes. Most New Zealand call themselves „kiwi“. Therefore, many call this country — Paradise!

    But, perhaps, the most important aspect of New Zealand is a safe and friendly country.
    Auckland with population 1.5 million is the largest city in the country located in the North Island and is known as the „ City of Sails “. Beautiful harbor with yachts, art galleries, museums, theaters, shopping malls, and many, many other aspects attract not only tourists, but also significant number of foreign students.

    Feature of life and education in New Zealand

    Auckland has the greatest variety of educational institution.We have 8 Universities and 21 Polytechnics including Institute Of Technology.

    The highly skilled teachers are using interesting, innovative approaches to assist study. The classes are equipped to a high standard, which helps students to feel comfortable and with this advantage to complete education or language school programs.

    Feature of life and education in New Zealand

    In New Zealand students can get work experience. Students can also try to find a job after graduation from their institution or to continue studying in any country of the world.

    An educational diploma received in New Zealand has in most cases international recognition.»

    Responding to questions of Club members, Edgar Ozolins shared his impressions of being in this county and in The Cook Island.

    President of Diplomatic Club thanked guests for an interesting story and wished everyone lucks and new achievements.

    Participated in the meeting:
    Cornelis J. Groeneveld, Andrey Ilyin, Vladimir Lopatko,  Maxim Preminim, Edgar Ozolinsh, Valery Roldugin, Oleg Butenko, Marija Nikolaeva representative of Business Women Club, Lusya Pribilskaya „Class“ magazine editor.


    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Education is in New Zealand »  Views: 7604   Diplomatic Club

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