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    Jurmala airport  

    Jurmala airport
    “Jurmala airport“ main terminal

    15th September 2012 members of Club and guests visited company «Tukums Airport», which is operator of «JURMALA AIRPORT».
    Airport is in Engures area, 50km from Riga and 20km from Jurmala.

    «JURMALA AIRPORT» offering land service of aircraft, business aviation, passenger transportation service, cargo service and technical service of aircraft.

    Jurmala airport

    On airport area is an aviation museum which constantly expanding with new displays. Also there is only one in Baltic pilot group ’Baltic bees’, recognized in most of the world.

    Jurmala airport Baltic Bees

    The Club members had the opportunity to enjoy a demonstration of „Baltic Bees“ performance on reactive aircraft L-39, „Albatros“. The „Baltic Bees“ demonstrated aerobatics and passage order, when distance between wing was about 4 – 5 m. Under the guidance of Artem Soloduha, pilots demonstrated aerobatics, which in October will be in airshow in Livane and in Mideast tour „Baltic Bees“ group.

    Jurmala airport

    Aerobatic team pilots: Valery Sobolev, his sobriquet is Soloist, because in the sky he demonstrates his personal solo program of aerobatic. Anatoly Perekrestov, Igor Yudkin and Aleksandr Zarinsh.

     Jurmala airport Baltic Bees

    Aerobatic team pilots: Valery Sobolev, his sobriquet is Soloist, because in the sky he demonstrates his personal solo program of aerobatic. Anatoly Perekrestov, Igor Yudkin and Aleksandr Zarinsh.

    Jurmala airport Artem Soloduha
    On the right: Artem Soloduha – person which is given to fly. His talent combines good judgment and reasonable risk, moreover, a great desire to learn something new.

    Club members thanked staff for the rendered opportunity to touch „the heavenly elements“. There were suggestions for further development and success.

    More information about aerobatic team www.balticbees.com


    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Jurmala airport »  Views: 18545   Diplomatic Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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