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    17th of March, Maslenitsa — the seeing off winter and the meeting of summer.

    On the 17th of March, Maslenitsa — the seeing off winter and the meeting of summer – took place in sanatorium “Amber Coast“ in Jurmala. Maslenits has special traditions.


    The guests of Maslenitsa participated in various games and amusements., and some were lucky to win prizes. The celebration’s culmination reached during the burning of straw man, embodying the end of winter and the beginning of spring.


    Maslenitsa is ancient Slavic holiday. Thought, it is based on pagan traditions, Maslenitsa had been celebrated even after the adoption of Christianity. First, Maslenitsa was associated with solstice, but in the context of Christianity it forestalled the Lent.


    By the tradition, at the end of Maslenitsa the straw man, which symbolizes illnesses and miseries, is burned. The spring comes.


    DEC’s members with their families participated in the celebration of Maslenitsa and got acquainted with the traditions of it.
    Ragnar Haug with his son Bruge (Norway), Andre Villers (Belgium), Snezhana Shushunova,  Oleg and Julia Butenko, Edgars Ozolins, Antra and Sindija Roga, Victor and Ella Daniloh and etc.

    DEC’s members thank the organizers and the director of sanatorium “Amber Coast“ Victor Daniloh for the opportunity of celebrating Maslenitsa with the friends.

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Maslenitsa »  Views: 7057   Diplomatic Club

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