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    Get acquainted with Flanders  

    Frank Van Eynde  and Cornelis J. Groeneveld, 11th of April 2013. The meeting in the DEC
    Frank Van Eynde and Cornelis J. Groeneveld, 11th of April 2013. The meeting in the DEC

    On the 11th of April the special event took place in the Diplomatic Economic Club. It was organized by Frank Van Eynde, trade and commercial counsellor for Flanders at the Belgian embassy in Helsinki, told about region Flanders in the Kingdom of Belgium.

    The meeting was opened by the prezident of the DEC, Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Cornelis J. Groeneveld who introduced Frank Van Eynde

    The population of Belgium is 11 million inhabitants, but of Flanders only 6.3 millions, which forms 60% of all population of the Kingdom.

    11th of April 2013. The meeting in the DEC
    11th of April 2013. The meeting in the DEC

    The administrative division of Belgium is very complicated. Flanders is one of the three Belgium reģions, together with Wallonia and Brussels. Though, the Brussels is the separate region, it is the capital of flanders, as well as the capital of Belgium and the whole Euro Union. In addition, The Kingdom of Belgium is divided into three language communities: Flemish (Flanders region and Brussel), French (Wallonia and Brussels) and German (part of province Liege).

    11th of April 2013. The meeting in the DEC
    11th of April 2013. The meeting in the DEC

    Frank Van Eynde told about the country and the Flanders region, as well as the modern development economics and the potential for cooperation.

    11th of April 2013. The meeting in the DEC in Riga. trade and commercial counsellor for Flanders at the Belgian embassy in Helsinki
    11th of April 2013. The meeting in the DEC in Riga. trade and commercial counsellor for Flanders at the Belgian embassy in Helsinki

    During the meeting, the economic and finance issues, as well as the development of infrastructure and ports were discussed. In addition, the cultural and touristic topics were touched upon.

    The DEC members thank Mr.Frank Van Eynde for the interesting event and presented whim with a souvenir.

    11th of April 2013. The meeting in the DEC . M. Preminin, A. Ilyin, A. Kozlovsky, S. Shushunova.
    11th of April 2013. The meeting in the DEC . M. Preminin, A. Ilyin, A. Kozlovsky, S. Shushunova

    In the meeting participated:
    Cornelis J. Groeneveld, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
    Maxim Preminin, Embassy of the Russian Federation
    Andrey Ilyin, Embassy of the Russian Federation
    Vladimir Kozlovsky, Embassy of Belarus
    Zhazira Myrzakassimova, Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Lolita Pankova, agency Finpro
    Olga Pavuk, publisher of the Baltic-course.com journal
    Victor Danilokh, director of “Ember Coast“
    Edgar Ozolins, „Auseks“
    Snezhana Shushunova, entrepreneur
    Alexandr Samokhin, publisher of „Career“ journal
    Oleg Butenko, „Unimars“
    Vladimir Lopatko, concern „Belneftekhim“ Enterprise
    Juris Zelcs, «BT-1»

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Get acquainted with Flanders »  Views: 6857   Diplomatic Club

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