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    For many centuries Latvia is at the crossroads of Eastern and Western cultures  

    Evening on Latvia at Diplomatic Economic Club

    Latvian themed event held at the Diplomatic Economic Club. The event was based like the popular show (That? Where? When?). There were a lot of question regarding Latvian culture, history, nature and tradition at the Event.

    Were shown films about Latvia, Riga and natural resources.Participants of the evening extended their knowledge on the history of the country and their cities.

    For many centuries Latvia is at the crossroads of Eastern and Western cultures, this is why the Latvian National cuisine is a rich mix of favorite Latvian, German, Russian, Swedish products and flavors.
     Evening on Latvia at Diplomatic Economic Club

    A number of famous people in the world originally came from Latvia. Film director Sergei Eisenstein, star of the American Ballet Mikhail Baryshnikov, American impressionist painter Mark Rothko (1903-1970) originally is from Daugavpils. German composer Richard Wagner lived in Riga from 1837 to 1839. German philosopher, educator, writer and folklorist Johann Gottfried Herder from 1764 to 1769 was a teacher at the Riga Dome School.The Dreamer (a real person) Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Munchausen was born in Germany, but the most part of his life he lived in Latvia. The famous Latvian sculptor Vera Mukhina, Academician Mstislav Keldysh, cosmonauts Anatoly Solovyov, Alexander Kaleri and others.

    National symbols of Latvia — wagtail, a wild chamomile, oak, linden and ladybug.

     Evening on Latvia at Diplomatic Economic Club

    No doubt that Laima Clock is the most importing and popular meeting point in Riga. The Laima Clock was built in 1924 with a practical purpose: to help inhabitants of Riga come to work exactly on time. In 1936 the clock was decorated with the name and logotype of the country’s largest confectionery manufacturer, «Laima». The most popular street name in Latvia — Skolas (It is more than 200 Skolas streets around Latvia). The next one is – Liepa and Darza.

    According to the results of the evening, the grand prize won Andrei Kozlov. Edgar Ozolins and Alexander Shushunov received prizes for their active participation. The Director of Amber Cost received a special prize for telling us the history of Latvian Resort city Jurmala.

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  For many centuries Latvia is at the crossroads of Eastern and Western cultures »  Views: 6230   Diplomatic Club

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