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    DEC celebrates 11th year  

    On the 20th of September, the DEC has visited Venden factory in Cesis and the spring in the National Park Gauja. The spring is the source fro Venden water.

    Executive director of VENDEN Aldis Skutans, director of production in Cesis Ingrida Rozenfelde told about the activity of the company.

    Production of VENDEN water

    VENDEN company is leading producer of natural spring and mineral water in Latvia.During 17 years the company has been taken 70% of bottled water in capacity 5 GAL in Latvia. VENDEN: 19 trading aģents in Latvia, call-centres, developed logistic network, which provides the delivery of water to clients all over in Latvia.

    Priduction of VENDEN water

    Water VENDEN is produced in the modern factory. The water source is located on the territory of the factory, at the depth of 133m. In order to save the natural qualities of water, it is not processed. During botlling, the wtaer saves its mineral composition and physical structure.

    Production of  VENDEN water. Spring

    Spring water VENDEN is obtained from one of the highest and purest places in Latvia – Vidzeme height, in tha National Park Gauja.

    The breaks in Vidzeme height creates unique combination of minerāls in the local water. Water has pure mineral composition with the low content of salt (310 мг/л) what allows to use it without limits.
    VENDEN wataer is bottling in capacities of 5 gallons.

    Production of VENDEN water

    The DEC members investigated the process of water bottling, tasted the water from spring, got acquainted with the technological production.

    Production of VENDEN water

    DEC wished success and good results in the support of water qualoity. DEC presented Diploma to the director of VENDEN producttion Ingrida Rozenfelde .
    Members of the Club are grateful to Andrei Pavlov and Aldis Skutans for the opportunity to get acquainted with the activities of the enterprise.


    On the 20th of September, DEC celebrated its 11th birthday. DEC members with families and Venden company have visited factory, bobsled track in Sigulda, where they got opportunity to try it personally.

    During the travelling, DEC members participated in a quiz, where won Zhazira Myrzakassimova and Santa Skutane. In addition, DEC members have visited the National Park Gauja, entertainment center Mazais Ancis, park Ligatne and emergency command post, which became a tourist site from 2000.

    Place — Skalupes, Ligatnes pag. –, where has been signed the agreement to establish DEC by the representatives of the following countries:
    Latvia, Belarus, China, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Czech Republic.


    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  DEC celebrates 11th year »  Views: 7646   Diplomatic Club

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