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    The Riga Food 20th anniversary exhibition  

    Юбилейная выставка Riga Food 2015. Церемония открытия

    Ambassadors of a number of foreign countries, members of the Diplomatic Economic Club, took part in the opening ceremony and the VIP exhibition tour to get acquainted with products and services showcased at «Riga Food 2015», the largest food fair in the Baltic States.

    „Riga Food“ this year gathered a record number of participants and, alongside the extensive exhibition, it offers an extensive programme of professional competitions and educational activities.

    Юбилейная выставка Riga Food 2015. А. Америкс и Я. Дуклавс

    Opening ceremony of the 20th anniversary event was attended by Mr Raimonds Vējonis, President of the Republic of Latvia, Mr Jānis Dūklavs, the Minister of Agriculture, and Mr Andris Ameriks, the Vice Mayor of Riga.

    The members of Diplomatic Economic Club visited the stands of Latvian companies and the national collective exhibitions of India, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Estonia and Lithuania.

    Юбилейная выставка Riga Food 2015. Я. Дуклавс и Посол Чехии П. Шепеляк

    «Riga Food 2015» presents products and services of about 700 companies from 37 countries – the United States, Austria, Belarus, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Georgia, Estonia, India, Italy, Canada, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Russia, China, Nepal, Latvia, Lithuania, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Moldova, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary, Uzbekistan, Germany, Sweden and other countries.

    The Riga Food 20th anniversary exhibition Национальный стенд Узбекистана

    For the third consecutive year, Latvian food industry is represented not only in individual company stands, but also in the national stand of Latvia and four regional stands.

    Юбилейная выставка Riga Food 2015.

    Club members express their gratitude to the organiser of „Riga Food 2015“ – Mr Viesturs Tīle, the Chairman of the Board of International Exhibition Company BT 1, and Mr Rolands Nežborts, the project manager of „Riga Food“, for the opportunity to attend the exhibition and meet the participants.

    The Riga Food 20th anniversary exhibitionThe Riga Food 20th anniversary exhibition
    The Riga Food 20th anniversary exhibitionThe Riga Food 20th anniversary exhibition

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  The Riga Food 20th anniversary exhibition »  Views: 7175   Diplomatic Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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