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    Maslenitsa celebration in Jurmala  

    Maslenitsa in the Amber coast sanitarium in Jurmala

    The sanatorium «Amber coast»in Jurmala, according to tradition, arranged the celebration of Maslenitsa farewell to winter and meeting of spring.
    Members of Diplomatic Economic Club with their families participated in the celebration.

    Traditionally, at the end of the holiday burned an scarecrow of winter, which carries away all diseases and there comes the spring of life.

    Maslenitsa in the Amber coast sanitarium in Jurmala

    The Maslenitsa is celebrated in many different countries. The week of Maslenitsa in 2016 from 7 to 13 March.

    People claimed that those people who don’t celebrate on Maslenitsa, the year will live as usual and they will have little of fun in their house. So on this day of fun are viewed as the harbinger of happiness, prosperity and success in all affairs.

    Maslenitsa in the Amber coast sanitarium in Jurmala

    In Latvia this holiday is called Meteni and celebrated only one day.

    On the week of Maslenitsa every day held by variuos way

    Monday — «Greeting of Maslenitsa». Begin to bake pancakes.
    Tuesday — «Zaigrysh». Day for the newlyweds.
    Wednesday — «Gourmand». Invite guests to the house, treat them to pancakes and other … cakes.On Wednesday mothers-in-law treated her sons-in-law pancakes.

    Maslenitsa in the Amber coast sanitarium in Jurmala  
    The Ambassador of Russia Alexander Veshnyakov participated in the Maslenitsa festival in Jurmala in sanatorium Amber coast

    Thursday — «Razguliay». As the name suggests — begins Maslenitsa!
    Friday — «Day of mothers-in-law », another day that mentioned «mothers-in-law», sons-in-law invited my mother and wife were treated to pancakes.
    Saturday -"Zolovkina gatherings". Daughter-in-law invite sisters husband to own home and talk with them.
    Sunday — «Maslenitsa» or «Forgiveness Sunday». On this day we say goodbye to winter and symbolically burn the scarecrow, and decided to ask relatives and friends for forgiveness for those wrongs that have accumulated.

    Maslenitsa in the Amber coast sanitarium in Jurmala

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Maslenitsa celebration in Jurmala »  Views: 5348   Diplomatic Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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