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    Fashion and textile at the International Exhibition Centre in Riga  

    Baltic Fashion & Textile Riga 2016

    Manufacturers, entrepreneurs and designers show their items at the biggest textile exhibition taking place on 7–9 April at the International Exhibition Centre in Riga.

    Members of the Diplomatic Economic Club have got acquainted with the expositions of the participants.

    This year more than 170 companies from 16 countries — Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Norway, Ukraine, Belarus, India, Nepal, Turkey, Uzbekistan – show clothes, linen, home textile, fabrics, lace, yarn, sewing accessories, bags, scarves, hats, hosiery, fashion accessories and bijouterie.

    Baltic Fashion & Textile Riga 2016

    Latvia is represented by 40 companies such as Jaroslavna dizains, Tanilla Textil, Trixel, Fabric House, Mezroze, Lenta and many others.

    Members of the Club have got acquainted with the items of the national exhibition stands of Italy, with works of more than 20 participants, including well-known brands of clothes and accessories, such as Pierre Cardin and Canella.

    Baltic Fashion & Textile Riga 2016

    Various items of the fashion and textile industry are presented at the Ukraine exhibition stand: Miss Lora and «Хочу Шубу» fur clothing, Pretender leather clothing, Maha and Solth women’s wear collections, Morozkin hats for all seasons, Astra Suites military garments. The organiser of the exhibition — Ukraine collective Expo – has represented Ukrainian companies at international exhibitions in Riga for several years already.

    Baltic Fashion & Textile Riga 2016

    On each day of the exhibition fashion shows are held at the International Exhibition Centre.
    Habitus Baltija 2016 International Contest for young fashion designers will take place on 8 April, where 33 beginner fashion designers from 9 countries — Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Turkey and Sweden – will show their items.

    Baltic Fashion & Textile Riga 2016

    Members of the Club thank the head of the Baltic Fashion & Textile Riga Exhibition Ilze Avota and manager of the Habitus Baltija 2016 Contest Sanita Blomniece for organising the overview of the participants’ exhibitions and contest shows.

    Baltic Fashion & Textile Riga 2016Baltic Fashion & Textile Riga 2016
    Baltic Fashion & Textile Riga 2016

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Fashion and textile at the International Exhibition Centre in Riga »  Views: 6791   Diplomatic Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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