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    Magazine Baltic-course.com celebrating 20th anniversary  

     Janis Domburs, Olga Pavuk, Eugene Eteris

    Janis Domburs, Olga Pavuk, Eugene Eteris at the anniversary party of the magazine Baltic-course.com in the Diplomatic economic club April 21, 2016.

    Members of Diplomatic Economic Club and guests on the evening of April 21, celebrated anniversaries – magazine Baltic-course.com
    A number of names for 20 years firmly associated with the name of the magazine is the founder Janis Domburs; longtime owner, editor, doctor of Economic Science Olga Pavuk; editor Eugene Eteris

     Janis Domburs, Olga Pavuk, Eugene Eteris

    Olga Pavuk introduced the guests, spoke about the history of creation, of our actions and audiences, the development direction in the future. Janis Domburs and Eugene Eteris supported the statement made by the chief editor of their stories about the formation and activity of journal

     on anniversary evening of the Baltic-course.com magazine in Diplomatic economic club on April 21, 2016.

    The Club members and guests congratulated the magazine Baltic-course.com with the anniversary and wished them success and prosperity. Vice President of the Club awarded to the chief editor of the journal Olga Pavuk distinctive mark and the certificate of the Diplomatic economic club «For achievements in business, competence and reliability».

      Congratulation of the President of Club Mr. Janos Rekasi to the magazine Baltic-course.com  

    The congratulation of the President of the Club in 2009-2011, Mr. Janos Rekasi magazine Baltic-course.com

     Ieva Aile on anniversary evening of the Baltic-course.com magazine in Diplomatic economic club on April 21, 2016.

    The President of the Club in 2009-2011, Advisor of the Hungarian Embassy, Janos Rekasi sent a video greeting. Congratulation Mr. Janos Rekasi voiced in English and Russian languages.

     Valery Roldugin on anniversary evening of the Baltic-course.com magazine in Diplomatic economic club on April 21, 2016.

    The club members and guests applause thanked Mr. Janos Rekasi for contacting and supported them uttered a toast to the staff of the journal.

     on anniversary evening of the Baltic-course.com magazine in Diplomatic economic club on April 21, 2016.

    Several Club members gave their congratulations, unable to participate Victor Daniloh, Snezana Shushunova, Oleg Butenko.

    on anniversary evening of the Baltic-course.com magazine in Diplomatic economic club on April 21, 2016 г.

    The evening was attended by club members and guests:
    Jazira Mirzakarimova,  Olga Pavuk, Stanislav Buka, Andrey Masyutin, Margarita Shalaeva, Elena Lopatko, Edgar Ozolins, Valery Roldugin, Lolita Pankova, Javokhir Abdurasulov, Eugene Eteris, Shakhboz Tavakkalov, Vyacheslav Butenko, Jirj Rejl, Ieva Aile, Igor Graurs, Roman Baumanis, Seamus Mac Aonghusa (Ambassador of Ireland), Alex and Elena Shanina (VIP Lounge), Eugene and Alexander Ogurok (Accounting&Economics), Janis Domburs, Inese Kushke, Dmitry Bateykin etc.

       Seamus Mac Aonghusa on anniversary evening of the Baltic-course.com magazine in Diplomatic economic club on April 21, 2016. on anniversary evening of the Baltic-course.com magazine in Diplomatic economic club on April 21, 2016.on anniversary evening of the Baltic-course.com magazine in Diplomatic economic club on April 21, 2016. on anniversary evening of the Baltic-course.com magazine in Diplomatic economic club on April 21, 2016.on anniversary evening of the Baltic-course.com magazine in Diplomatic economic club on April 21, 2016.  

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Magazine Baltic-course.com celebrating 20th anniversary »  Views: 6928   Diplomatic Club

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