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    Water, water, water everywhere  

     Degustation the taste of water in Diplomatic Club

    A closed or «blind» degustation taste consumption of bottled natural mineral water sold in shops of Latvia, were held in Diplomatic Economic Club.
    The meeting also hosted an evening in the tradition and the history of the emergence at this time of the year the New Beaujolais wine (Beaujolais nouveau).

     The meeting in Diplomatic Club

    For a makeshift degustation were presented 7 kinds of natural mineral water that is offered to the consumers in Latvia and other countries. The total mineralization of water is presented up to 500 mg/l and average 7.5 pH.

    Before «blind» degustation all the participants tasted the water „Kekavos avots“, and then held a tasting, the results of which were exhibited individual evaluation by each participant of the competition.

     degustation the taste of water After summarizing the results, the highest scores in degustation sensations received the following samples:
    water brands Evian, Venden (Latvia) and Rochetta
    This competition is an individual taste sensations of the participants of the degustation.
    Also at the competition were presented samples of water Mangali, Toscana Acqua Panna, San Benedetto Elite Dolomia

    The tradition of winemaking of Beaujolais is known far outside of France. Following the tradition, the wine was introduced into the hall with the slogan «Le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrive!» («Beaujolais Nouveau has arrived»)

    This is how describe the «Beaujolais Nouveau — 2016» one of the producers of this wine:
    garnet color, with a playful glint, it sounds at first сantabile (singing), then, revealing new notes, allegretto (lively), radiating sweet, warm and harmonious fragrance of late summer.
    Lead singer of the red currant. Crescendo (louder) sound notes of black fruits, turning into the nuances of roses.
    In the final, white pepper and clove that cause strong feelings.
    Then pianissimo (very softly) comes the grapes, turning into numerous floral notes of freshly picked bouquet.
    Wine tells us his story аffetuoso (gently, gently, languidly, passionately, impulsively).
    The pleasure of the senses sounds like appassionato (passionate)!

    Since 1985, the date of the holiday is the third Thursday of November.
    In the preparation of wine, the first separation process (softening) of plant cells to return to their properties lasts 5-6 days — the grapes are immersed in the vat. Those berries on the bottom (10-30% by volume) and crushed with a total weight of. The rest of the grapes are intact and undamaged. During this time, one can obtain the maximum of fruit aromas, without astringency.
    Then the grapes are pressed, the further the fermentation lasts about a month, then the wine is bottled.
    The whole process from harvest to bottling — 6 weeks

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Water, water, water everywhere »  Views: 7008   Diplomatic Club

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