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    King’s day in the Netherlands  

     King’s day in the Netherlands, the reception on the occasion of the national holiday. The Ambassador of the Netherlands Pieter Jan Langenberg

    At the residence of the Ambassador of the Netherlands in Latvia hosted a reception on the occasion of the national holiday the King’s day, celebrated 27 April
    At the residence of the Ambassador of the Netherlands in Latvia hosted a reception on the occasion of the national holiday the day King, celebrated 27 April 2014 years.
    Dutch Ambassador Peter Langenberg has congratulated the representatives present with holiday and wishes success and prosperity.

    Holiday tradition traces its history back from 1885, the day of national unity. Subsequently, the holiday was renamed from „The Day of the Queen“ to „King’s Day“ now due to transfer of Queen Beatrix in favor of his son Willem-Alexander (Willem-Alexander).

     King’s day in the Netherlands, the reception on the occasion of the national holiday

    King day national holiday in the Netherlands. Every inhabitant of this national holiday a orange outfit — the colours of the Royal House of Orange-Nassau.

    The holiday begins the night before with «Royal night». In the Hague, on the Royal Palace takes place a large music festival. The entire city centre is filled by mobile amusements and installed everywhere kiosks selling salted herring is the national dish of Dutch.

    The Ambassador of the Poland Ewa Debska, The Ambassador of the Switzerland Markus Dutly

    In the photo: The Ambassador of the Poland Ewa Debska, The Ambassador of the Switzerland Markus Dutly

    All sorts of concerts and folk dances are open to all, the festive atmosphere, fun, all day sing and dance — and young people, and seniors in traditional dress.

    One of the main sights is the parade of flowers. They grow everywhere and in pots, and on huge fields. To the holiday in the Netherlands bloom tulips.The road from the town of Aalsmeer, where begins the parade, Amsterdam is filled with people, over 10 thousand and 100 million colours.
    Flowers and dairy products form the basis of Dutch exports. The country ranks third in the world in the export of agricultural products.

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  King’s day in the Netherlands »  Views: 4464   Diplomatic Club

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