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    Feeling of warmth and comfort from Hercogs  


    On September 21, 2017 the Diplomatic Economic Club celebrated the 14th anniversary of the birth of the Club.Family restaurant Hercogs gave a great opportunity for the members of the club to celebrate it stunningly.
    That day, the family restaurant Hercogs, (Marupe, Vitiņu 4a) made an unforgettable impression at the meeting of the club during the presentation of the restaurant’s possibilities. Big thanks to Andris!

    Andris Rumitis, Hercogs

    The owner of the restaurant Andris Rūmītis informed about the history of creation and possibilities of the family restaurant «Hercogs». It offers the delicious international cuisine dishes and a wide choice of drinks including wines and cocktails.

    The restaurant also pays big attention to small visitors — they have a spacious playroom and a children’s menu. Now, here in Riga there is also the second restaurant Hercogs which is located in Kipsala island in Riga, on the waterfront of Daugava.

    The vice-president of the Club Mrs. Alexandra Chizmadia thanked Andris Rumitis for a wonderful evening, presented him the Memorable Diploma of the Club and a souvenir by Mr. N. Kolotilo prepared especially for this evening.

    Valdis Lusis

    Valdis Lusis, the head of wine company Vinea Mea, told the guests about the origin of the wines and the peculiarities of the grape varieties of different parts of Italy, which he kindly provided for the tasting.

    Feelings of warmth and comfort of the family restaurant Hercogs added a palette of aromas and colors from the regions of Italy to the meeting thanks to Valdis Lusis.


    The Diplomatic Economic Club celebrated its 14th anniversary.
    The evening spent in the family restaurant Hercogs brings a wonderful impression and directs to new creative processes in the future!

    This year, a surprise occurred during the celebration of the birthday of the Club — the Honorary President of the Club Kornelius J. Groeneveld (Netherlands) visited Latvia and took part in the evening. Currently, Cornelius is in on the diplomatic mission in China.


    We express our gratitude and congratulations to all members of the Diplomatic Economic Club!
    The Board


    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Feeling of warmth and comfort from Hercogs »  Views: 5135   Diplomatic Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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