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    Achievements of the beauty industry at the exhibition Baltic Beauty 2018  

    November 2-4,the largest beauty festival in the Baltic States takes place at the International Exhibition Center in Riga — the exhibition Baltic Beauty 2018. The Club members took part in the opening ceremony of the exhibition.

    Baltic Beauty 2018. Viestur Tile opens the exhibition

    New cosmetic products, technologies, procedures and other beauty features will be presented by 340 enterprises from 20 countries of the world.

    Baltic Beauty 2018

    There are two pavilions at the Baltic Beauty 2018 exhibition — „The World of Beauty of the Face and Body“ hall and „The World of the Beauty of Hair“ hall: from the cosmetics to cosmetic clinics, as well as hair care products and consultations. Baltic Beauty 2018

    „For these three days, the exhibition will bring together the best of the best — leading makeup artists, cosmetologists, spa masters, hairdressers, manicure specialists and even plastic surgeons.“- this is how the program of the event is characterized by the head of „Baltic Beauty“ and "The World of Beauty of the Face and Body“ Kristine Chernyavska

    Baltic Beauty 2018

    For example, the conference „Aroma Power: health-beauty-abundance essential oils“ is dedicated to the healing properties of the essential oils.

    Baltic Beauty 2018. TehProzdrav company

    The company TehProdzdrav for the first time in the Latvian market offers the new solutions in the field of joint pain, veins, muscles, etc. Based on the principle of human heat transfer, which occurs due to the reflection of the waves of the infrared spectrum from the material based on silicon
    There is an increase and return to the person of his heat wave in the depth of the tissue, fully preserving the unique frequency and wavelength.

    Baltic Beauty 2018BalticBaltic Beauty 2018

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Achievements of the beauty industry at the exhibition Baltic Beauty 2018 »  Views: 4034   Diplomatic Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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