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    Information about international exhibitions in Riga  

    Considering the global situation related to the coronavirus COVID-19 confirmed as pandemic and the state of emergency declared in the Republic of Latvia on 12 March 2020, there will be no trade fairs held at Riga International Exhibition Centre from 13 March to 14 April. All fairs scheduled for this period will be postponed. All BT 1’s trade fairs planned for the autumn 2020 will take place as scheduled

    „In its 25-year history, International Exhibition Company BT 1 has never experienced a situation requiring a postponement of so many events. We take the responsibility for the health and safety of our employees, exhibitors and visitors very seriously, and we greatly appreciate the understanding and support of our partners and clients in this difficult time. I truly believe that, together, we will successfully master this situation!“ told Viesturs Tīle a chairperson of the International Exhibition Company BT 1.

    The International Building Industry Fair „House I 2020“, that opened on 12 March, is intended to be continued after the state of emergency in the country is lifted, at the end of April. A decision on the continuation of „House I 2020“ will be taken in consultation with and according to the instructions from the competent national authorities.

    The International Trade Show for Outdoor Adventure and Recreational Activities „Outdoor Riga 2020“ will be postponed until possibly late May or early June. The International Pet Industry Fair „PetExpo 2020“ will be delayed to 13-14 June, alongside the International Purebred Dog and Cat Show „Latvian Winner 2020“. The 25th Anniversary Motor Show „Auto 2020“ will be moved to autumn ‒ new dates yet to be announced.

    Tickets for the postponed projects purchased in advance will be valid on the new trade fair dates.

    International Exhibition Company BT 1 has more than 25 years of experience in the exhibition business. BT 1 has become a recognized leader in the Baltic exhibition business offering large international trade fairs covering food, construction, beauty, tourism and travel, engineering, metal processing and many other industries. Each year more than 5500 companies from 50 countries and at least 450 000 visitors from 60 countries attend BT 1’s trade fairs held at the Ķīpsala International Exhibition Centre.

    Aiga Kupre-Vociša
    BT 1 Public Relations Manager

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Information about international exhibitions in Riga »  Views: 3066   Diplomatic Club

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