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    »» Archive  »  Chinese New Year 04.02.2006 (306)

    Chinese New Year  

    New Year’s Eve at the Chinese Trade Mission February 4, 2006

    The Club members express their gratitude to the Trade Representation of China for the opportunity to get acquainted with the traditions of Chinese Lunar New Year / Spring Festival.

    Embassy Counselor Cai Yingzhou

    Greetings and congratulations from Counselor Embassy of China Cai Yingzhou

    Ladislav Kubiznak

    President Ladislav Kubiznak delivered greetings and congratulations on behalf of the Club


    The children of the club members with the participation of Raisa Redkina congratulated the guests on the Chinese New Year!
    Zhenya Yarmolinskaya read an excerpt from Shakespeare’s story «Romeo and Juliet»

     Vera Skvortsova, Viktor Boretsky, Dmitry Krayushkin, Lyudmila Yanochkova, Natalia Abola  

    Vera Skvortsova, Viktor Boretsky, Dmitry Krayushkin, Lyudmila Yanochkova, Natalia Abola and others presented their congratulations.


    At the celebration of the New Year’s Eve, all guests receive gifts!
    Sergey Ratnikov received a silk tie as a gift!


    The children did not get bored at the holiday and received gifts!
    Vyacheslav Butenko accepts a gift

      Frederic Biava and Cai Yingzhou  

    Counselor of the Belgian Embassy Frédéric Biava and Counselor of the Chinese Embassy Cai Yingzhou — «As an Counselor to an Counselor, I will say — your gift is the best!»


    It is customary to celebrate Chinese New Year with a lot of food on the tables, so that everything is — rice, noodles, meat, fish, nuts (which C. Yingzhou personally fried), and of course, handmade dumplings for the Chinese Lunar New Year

     Counselor C. Yingzhou 

    Competition for guests: «who has a „red“ color in clothes!»
    Participants received special gifts, Counselor C. Yingzhou performed the song in Chinese.

    Viktor Skvortsov and Zhenya Yarmolinskaya 

    Viktor Skvortsov and Zhenya Yarmolinskaya performed the famous Belarusian song «Kasil Yas Konyushina» at the competition to the applause of the guests!

    Natalia Abola

    Natalia Abola became the organizer of the competition — «who has the „red“ color in clothes» with the support of Anna’s daughter and Robert’s grandson.

    Li Zhiyan 

    Li Zhiyan read in Russian an excerpt from the story «Lights» by Vladimir Korolenko

    Cai Yingzhou 

    Folk Chinese song performed by Cai Yingzhou.


    Spouse of the embassy counselor Cai Yingzhou and representative of the Xinhua agency in the Baltic States Zhang Guowang.


    Raisa Redkina, spouses Skvortsov’s, Sergey Ratnikov, Svetlana Starostina

    R. Redkina and the spouses Skvortsovs  

    R. Redkina and the spouses Skvortsov’s — a series of New Year holidays will smoothly approach the spring holiday on March 8!

    Dmitry Krayushkin 

    Dmitry Krayushkin has good vocal abilities!


    Vera Skvortsova Counsellor, Embassy of Belarus

    Dmitry Krayushkin and Vitaly Butenko — delicious Chinese food, conducive to a good conversation!


    Vera Skvortsova, Raisa Redkina, Alla and Zhenya Yarmolinsky, Li Zhijan — tea drinking in Chinese

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