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    New lilac bushes on the Alley  

    Alley of Friendship

    Every year, members of the club come to the village of Ruķiši near Riga, the recreation complex and the park «Kolotilovka», where since 2001 they have been taking part in planting lilac bushes and cleaning the territory of the Friendship Alley of the Diplomatic Economic Club.
    This year the meeting of the club was held on June 2.
    Members of the club planted new bushes, removed the garbage, watered the lilac bushes.

    Alley of Friendship

    Nikolai Kolotilo gave a tour of the park complex.
    Every year, the collection of the park is replenished with new designs, invented personally by N. Kolotilo.This year, a chest appeared, which, as in the folk tales «tablecloth — self-assembly», turns into a «buffet» at will!

    Alley of FriendshipAlley of Friendship

    Members of the club wished Nikolai Kolotilo health, well-being and expressed their gratitude for maintaining the tradition of planting lilac bushes on the land of Latvia every year by representatives from around the world!    

    Alley of FriendshipAlley of Friendship
    Alley of FriendshipThe view of the park from above resembles the contours of Latvia.
    Alley of FriendshipGlade «Three Birches». The trees were planted by the ambassadors of the three countries.
    Alley of FriendshipAlley of FriendshipAlley of Friendship
    Alley of FriendshipTraditional soup from N. Kolotilo.
    This year’s soup consisted of:
    — Herbs that grow around: nettle, quinoa, goutweed, sorrel, onion, dill
    — chicken broth, new potatoes, chicken eggs.
    — cooked on fire
    Alley of FriendshipAlley of FriendshipAlley of Friendship

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  New lilac bushes on the Alley »  Views: 3747   Diplomatic Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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