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    »» Archive  »  Exhibition Balttour 2008 08.02.2008 (15953)

    Exhibition Balttour 2008  

    Balttour Exhibition presented many proposals for the selection and recreation. BalttourThis year’s official partner Czech tourism exhibitions. More than 30 Czech companies offered to guests of its services. Balttour The first exhibition Balttour placed in two pavilions Fairgrounds. The hall № 1 represent all regions of Latvia, telling us about the tourist places, historical monuments, castles and just attractive nature of Latvia.
    The exhibition was attended by over 300 companies from 32 countries around the world. BalttourWith the participation of well-known tour operator Tez Tour, the organizers of the exhibition «ALTA» and «BT1» held a lottery, where the grand prize — a trip for two to 4 — x star hotel on the island of Tenerife
    The picture shows: a representative Tez Tour and Tourist Association Latvia President Mrs Kiti Kitendorfa — happy no reports of the winning lottery prize winner! Alexei Smirnov, Pavol Baranay, Vera Skvortsova, Vladimir Yakovenko, Barbaros Tune ErdemMembers of the club took an active part in the exhibition and tour of the exhibition expositions.
    The representative of Beltourism Vladimir Yakovenko acquainted with the development of tourism in the Republic of Belarus.
    Picture: Alexei Smirnov, Pavol Baranay, Vera Skvortsova, Vladimir Yakovenko, Barbaros Tune Erdem Pavol Baranay  Raisa Redkina Pavol Baranay and Raisa Redkina.
    Alla Gornitskaya, First Secretary at the Embassy of Ukraine Alexei Smirnov and Juris DreymanisAlexei Smirnov and Juris Dreymanis Alla Gornitskaya, Taras Gawriljuk and Yevgeny TikhonovAlla Gornitskaya, Taras Gawriljuk and Yevgeny Tikhonov

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