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    »» Archive  »  Club meeting 15.01.2009 (15413)

    Club meeting  

    Club meeting, January 15

    During Club meeting on January 15th, there was a discussion about following topics: internal Club structure and organization; proposed events; preparation for the next meeting and acceptance of new Club members.
    Vice-president of the Club, Mr. Barbaros Tuna Erdem addressed attention of the audience to the new directions in the work of the Club, which will be attractive for all members; qualitative approach towards Club membership and further development of Club relationships.

    Club meeting, January 15

    Members presented at the meeting completely supported proposals by the Board of the Club and suggested new events for the Club.
    Valery Roldugin, Artur Nevicky, Svjatoslav Ladigin, Gregory Pomerantsev, Pavel Tkachuk.

    Club meeting, January 15

    Doctor of Economics, director of the Institute of European Studies Aleksandr Gaponenko and professor, Doctor of Economics Valery Roldugin are preparing discussion meeting for the Club membership about current development of economic situation in Latvia, the reasons of the crisis and potential ways out of it.
    It is also planned to attend the following enterprises: Incukalns; Air Baltic; Riga Airport, and one of the Latvian sea ports.

    Admission to the membership in the Club А. Sushkevich

    Accepted to be a member of the Club Aleskandr Sushkevich, secretary of the Belarusian Embassy, economic affairs.

    Admission to the membership in the Club G. Pomerantsev

    Accepted to be a member of the Club Grigory Pomerantsev, vice president of the company Air Baltic

    Club meeting, January 15

    Igor Nazaruk, Pavel Tkachuk, Janos Rekasi and Grigory Pomerantsev.

    Club meeting, January 15

    Svjatoslav Ladigin and Grigory Pomerantsev.

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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    Diplomatic Economic Club
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