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    »» Archive  »  The round table discussion 03.04.2009 (15216)

    The round table discussion  

    The meeting with busnessmen

    On April 3, 2009 at the international exhibition center in Kipsala in the framework of the 14th international textile, cloths, leather products and production equipment exhibition „Intertextil Balticum 2009“, exhibition company BT-1 and Diplomatic Economic Club organized a meeting with the textile industry businessmen and diplomats.
    Businessmen, management of textile industry associations in Latvia and Lithuania, representatives of economic departments of various Embassies participated in the meeting.
    His excellence Mr. Leopold Merckx, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Belgium, was one of the guests of the meeting.

    Participants of the Intertextil Balticum 2009 businessmen and diplomats meeting – representatives of the Embassies

    Albano Giancarlo — Italian Trade Comission (I.C.E)Trade Promotion Section of the Italian, Director for the Baltic States
    Bartosz Krzysztof — Counsellor, Embassy of Poland
    Bredikhin Pavel – Second secretary, Embassy of Russia
    Dreimanis Juris — assistant, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
    Erdem Barbaros Tuna — Counsellor, Embassy of Turkey
    Janockova Ludmila – First secretary, Embassy of the Czech Republic
    Khamrokhodjaev Temur – Consul, Embassy of Uzbekistan
    Mezl Milan — Czech Trade Riga
    Nazaruk Igor — Counsellor, Embassy of Belarus
    Sushkevitch Aleksandr – Second secretary, Embassy of Belarus
    Tikhonov Evgeny — Counsellor, Embassy of Russia
    Tkachuk Pavel – First secretary, Embassy of Belarus
    Turturiello Giovanni — commercial attache, Embassy of Italy
    Villers Andre — Counsellor, Royal Embassy of Belgium
    Zhukova Tatjana – Representation of the Moscow government in Latvia
    The meeting with businessmen At the meeting the following speeches were delivered:
    Guntis Strazds – President of the light and textile industries Association in Latvia.
    Lasiauskas Linas — President of the light and textile industries Association in Lithuania.
    Barbaros Tuna Erdem — Counsellor, Embassy of Turkey
    Igor Nazaruk – Counsellor, Embassy of Belarus
    Evgeny Tihonov — Counsellor, Embassy of Russia
    Villers André -Counsellor, Royal Embassy of Belgium
    Albano Giancarlo – Director of the Italian Institute of Foreign Trade (ICE) in Baltics.
    The meeting with businessmen After the speeches there were individual meetings between businessmen and diplomats, which were planned in advanced.

    The meeting with businessmen
    Counselor, Royal Embassy of Belgium, Mr. A. Villers.
    The meeting with businessmen
    Counselor, Embassy of Belarus, Mr. I.Nazaruk
    The meeting with businessmen
    Counselor Embassy of Russia, Mr. E. Tihonov, representatives of the Moscow government in Riga, businessmen of Latvia and Lithuania.
    03.04.2009 The meeting with businessmen
    Ludmila Janockova First secretary Embassy of Czech, Milan Mezl Czech Trade Riga
    Intertextil Balticum 2009
    Intertextil Balticum 2009

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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