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    »» Archive  »  Diplomats meet with Mr. A. Slesers 15.10.2009 (13225)

    Diplomats meet with Mr. A. Slesers  

    Diplomats meet A. Slesers October 15, at the Gallery Park hotel Club members had a meeting with vice-major of Riga Mr. Ainars Slesers . The idea of such a meeting was proposed and supported by Mr. E. Tihonov, Russian Embassy.
    Vice-major of Riga explained to the Club members plans, events and actions taken by the City Council regarding business development. Particularly, the conversation was about Riga sea gates, airport expand, construction of bypass roads, new Daugava river crossings, organization of majors’ meeting of the SIC and European Union in 2010. The organization of other important projects allows creation of new working places, and, consequently, increases welfare of city citizens and develops city infrastructure.
    Diplomats meet A. Slesers

    Attention of vice-major was drawn to the organization of traffic flow in Riga.
    He specially stressed that Riga will for the first time ever advertise itself abroad with a goal to attract tourists.
    There is a plan to develop cultural programs in Riga and Mezapark stage and starting from 2010 organize high quality concerts for city citizens and guests.
    Mr. A. Slesers spoke about investment into Riga economy. Riga is attractive and open city, it allows attracting international companies. For example, in near future there will be open a back office of a big US company, and this means 300 more new working places. And it is important to mention, that Riga is open for collaboration with all countries and partners.
    Examples are – autobus factory in Elgava; „Riga product“ project and meeting of city majors in Riga, which may become an important economic forum for small and average size enterprises.During the meeting, Mr. A. Slesers was asked several questions about Riga economy development.
    At the end of the meeting, on behalf of the Club Pavol Baranay DEC president, expressed his gratitude for the meeting and presented traditional Club souvenirs to vice-major of Riga Ainars Slesers.

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