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    » » Welcome 27.06.2010 (656)


    Dear Club Members and guests of the Diplomatic Economic Club web site!

    Economic diplomacy is a part of foreign policy since its initiation. It is the main mechanism to achieve the effective trade and economic relations at bilateral and multilateral levels. It is also the main tool for the development of effective cooperation at the global level. Economic interests are at the head of cooperation between the countries, despite the existing differences between them caused by the different ways of economic development. This contributes to the greater social, economic and political relations between the countries.

    In any country there are working hundreds of thousands or even millions of companies, enterprises, and even the state itself consists of a large number of institutions and organizations. All of them have to take management decisions using information on the dynamics of the economic system. There are established vertical and horizontal communication and relationship between business entities. So, it is very difficult to find a partner in case there are such a huge number of business entities. That is why one of the main objectives of Club is to support with the information and consultations in search of potential and reliable partners and creating an environment of mutually beneficial relations for both foreign and local enterprises, representatives of large, medium and small business.

    In accordance with the status diplomat does not have any right to represent the interests of business entities or be financially interested in the outcome of their business, be a participant of any commercial negotiations. This ban is specified in Art. 42 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961): «A diplomatic agent shall not engage in any professional or commercial activity for the personal gain». Informal communication between diplomats and businessmen is the important factor that contributes to the acquisition of favorable contacts and eliminates the communication with the unpromising partners.

    Nowadays we live in a time of endless possibilities. For those who has the necessary knowledge, is computer-literate and has access to global information infrastructure, almost nothing is impossible. If you have all these elements, even the organization of small business enterprises or local production in developing countries can be successful in the global market, especially if you have the support of professional, effective and reliable economic diplomacy.

    Pavol Baranay — President of DEC, 2008-2010

     »  Welcome »  Views: 656   Diplomatic Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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