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    Ambassadors of the US and Russia met at the Baltic International Academy  

    For the first time in the history of diplomatic relations in the Baltic states two Ambassadors of Russia and US agreed to participate in a discussion: „US and Russia: a year after reset“. The discussion was organized at the Baltic International Academy in Riga (BIA). Totally, there were more than 500 people attended the meeting, coming from Riga, Daugavpils, Ventspils and Rezekne. The questions which were asked by students quite often were provocative and the replays were not always diplomatic.
    The discussion was moderated by Ilze Ostrovska, head of the „Europeans studies“ program at BIA.

    Welcome speech was given by Stanislav Buka, head of the BIA Senate. He pointed out that the reset in Russia and US relations gave a good example of the rest of the world. According to his opinion, EU and Belarus need to reset their relations, as well as Latvia should reset relations with its neighbors Estonia and Lithuania.

    Mrs, Judith G. Garber, the Ambassador of the United States of America to Latvia, in her presentation underlined that during the last 14 months, after the election of new presidents in both countries, US and Russia achieved a lot in understanding the value of united efforts in many issues, such as global warming and climate change, and, of course, in financial matters.  

    Mr. Aleksandr Veshnyakov, Ambassador of Russia to Latvia, expressed an opinion that this discussion can be considered as a good example of the reset in Russia and US relations in Riga. He recalled that during the parade in honor of the 65 anniversary of Victory in the Great War, the solders of antimatter coalition countries marched on the Red Square, including US armed forces.

    According to Olga Pavuk, Baltic Course, DEC Member.

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