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    Hugo Brauwers  

    Ambassador Hugo Brauwers

    H.E. Hugo Brauwers
    2017 — 2021 Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to the Kingdom of Sweden and the Republic of Latvia

    Born in Mortsel (Belgium ) on October 5th 1960. Unmarried.

    Secondary studies at St. Thomas college (classical humanities), Antwerp Belgium and at Irondequoit High School, Rochester NY USA
    Studied Political Science (International Relations – Catholic University of Leuven 1983) and Law (International and European Law – University of Antwerp 1988)
    Postgraduate courses:
                                                            International Law (International Law Academy, The Hague 1992)
                    International Humanitarian Law (International Red Cross 1990)
                        Certificate Development Cooperation (Belgian Development Agency 1989)
                Conflict Prevention, Peacebuilding and Mediation (European Security and Defense College 2015)  
    Generals, Flag Officers and Ambassadors Course (NATO Defense College 2015)

    — Counselor and Deputy Chief of Staff to the Minister of Foreign Trade and European Affairs (01.09.1991-31.07.1995)
    — Economic Counselor at the Belgian Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York (15.08.1995-13.08.1999)
    — Diplomatic Counselor and Deputy Chief of Staff to the Vice Prime Minister and Budget Minister (01.10.1999-24.08.2003)
    — Deputy Permanent Representative at the Belgian Permanent Mission to the North-Atlantic Treaty Organization in Brussels (25.08.2003-20.08.2008)
    — Consul-General and Deputy Permanent Representative at the Belgian Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office in Geneva (21.08.2008-08.08.2012)
    — Diplomatic Counselor and Deputy Chief of Staff to the Vice Prime Minister and Economics Minister (09.08.2012- 09.10.2014)
    — Director Political-Military and Strategic Affairs (Coordination of European Security Policy, NATO, CFSP and OSCE), MFA Brussels (10.10.2014-01.09.2016)
    — Director Human Rights, Humanitarian Affairs and Democratization, MFA Brussels (01.09.2016- 25.08.2017)

    Former Legal Counselor to the Belgian Employment Agency and the Ministry for Social Affairs
    Former Member of the Board of Administrators to the University of Antwerp, the National Lottery and the Investment Agency for Developing Countries BIO
    Commander in the Order of the Crown, Knight in the Order of Leopold, Civic Medal 1st Class (Belgium) and Ho Chi Minh Order (Vietnam)

    Theatre and movies, literature, jazz music and nature walks

     »  Hugo Brauwers »  Views: 9882   Diplomatic Club

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