Diplomatic Economic Club® Since 1997

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    Cornelis J. Groeneveld  

    Cornelis J. Groeneveld,
    Head of the Department for Consular & Operational Affairs n New Delhi, India.
    MIPA (Master of International and Public Affairs)
    2011 — 2013 — President of Diplomatic Economic Club

    Previous positions:
    2015-2020 — Deputy Head of Mission Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in P.R.C.
    2013 — 2014 — Counselor / Deputy Head of Mission Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Iran
    2009 — 2013 — Counselor / Deputy Head of Mission Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Latvia

    Education : Master of International and Public Affairs
    Consul of the Netherlands in charge of Consular affairs and Head of the Consular Department at the Royal Netherlands in Paramaribo, Suriname
    Consul of the Netherlands, in charge of trade and investment promotion and support, and in that capacity also Head of the Economic Section at the Consulate-General of the Netherlands in Hong Kong
    1995 — 1999
    First Secretary in charge of trade and investment promotion and support, and in that capacity also Head of the Economic Section, at the Royal Netherlands Embassy Mexico City, Mexico
    1993 — 1995
    Financial Controller (and Head of the Controlling Unit) at the Overseas Buildings Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands in The Hague
    1992 — 1993
    Financial Controller (and Head of the Controlling Unit) for Asia at the Directorate General for International Development Co-operation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands in The Hague  1990 -1992
    Project Officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands in The Hague, responsible for evaluating the employment conditions of the Dutch Foreign Service and drafting a new employment conditions scheme. This scheme entered into force on the 1st of January 1993 and is still valid as of today.


    Languages : 
    Active: Dutch (mother tongue), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), German (full comprehension, speaking needs practice) ;
    Passive: French (almost comprehension) and Bahasa Malaysia
    Acquainted with: Mandarin
    Interests: History, Current –international and public- Affairs, Foreign cultures, meeting people and making new acquaintances, dining & wining, premium cigars, leisure at beach resorts, yachting
     Sports: Hiking, Squash, Badminton and Tennis, Water sports
    Others: Rotarian

     »  Cornelis J. Groeneveld »  Views: 32792   Diplomatic Club

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