The indicators of income of Latvian inhabitants 1998 2009
The table below shows the situation of income of Latvian inhabitants in 1998 to 2009 years. These indicators are compared with the national minimum monthly wage, the subsistence level consumer basket per one person and with the average monthly income of pensioners in Latvia.
According to the data of the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, the national minimum monthly wage was only LVL 42 in 1998; however, the subsistence level consumer basket per one person was equal to LVL 82 that means that the minimum wage was LVL 40 less than the minimum sum required to survive at the same period. Although the average monthly neto wage reached LVL 97, that is 18 % more than the subsistence level consumer basket. Furthermore, the average monthly pension was LVL 51, and it is evaluated very negatively, as it is 38 % less than the minimum required sum per one person per month.
The trend was positive during the period from 1998 to 2009, when the national minimum wage increased up to 329 % from LVL 42 to LVL 180. It is important to emphasize that the subsistence level consumer basket per one person per month soared sharply to LVL 168, so the sum doubled in 2009 in comparison with 1998. The average monthly neto wage decreased from LVL 350 in 2008 to LVL 352 in 2009. However, it was 104 % more than the subsistence level consumer basket the same period. If you look closely at the graph, you will also notice that the average monthly pension over all these years from 1998 to 2009 was under the minimum required level when it is possible to survive; nevertheless, there was an annual increase. The average monthly pension reached LVL 163 in 2009.
Statistical data: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia