The Reception of the Embassy of Austria
The reception dedicated to the National Day of Austria took place at the Albert Hotel in Riga on October 25..
The Austrian ambassador in Latvia Mr Stefan Pehringer congratulated the guests and wished both countries to establish and develop economic and cultural ties.
The history of the National Day is related to the Soviet troops withdrawal from Austria. In 1943, the rulers of USSR, Great Britain and USA announced that they wanted Austria to regain its independence, sovereignty and democracy.
The State Treaty that was signed and came into effect on July 27, 1955, re-established Austria as an independent and sovereign state. After that the allied troops were withdrawn from the country and on October 26, the government issued the federal constitutional law. It declared Austria permanently neutral and ruled out the possibility of participating in military unions or establishing foreign military bases in Austria.
The Ambassador of Russia Alexander Veshnyakov and the Ambassador of Austria Stefan Pehringer