Viktor Borecky

Viktor Borecky
Director of the Department for Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia
2006-2007 President of Club
Born in 1965
Married, two sons.
1989 Agriculture economic university in the city of Nitra, Slovakia.
1994 has defended the dissertation and has received a rank of the candidate of agricultural sciences
The working experience:
1993-1995 Institute scientifically the technical information of an agriculture Nitra
1995-1996 Ministry of Agriculture of Slovakia
1996-2000 Embassy of Slovakia in Moscow, Trading an economic department, the third Secretary
2000-2002 Ministry of Agriculture of Slovakia, Director of Department of external communications
2002-2004 Embassy of Slovakia in Riga, the Head Trading the economic department, the first Secretary
2004-2007 Private business
2007 2013 Head of Commercial and Economic Section Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Kazakhstan
2013 2015 Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2015 2018 Counselor of the Embassy of Slovakia in Bosnia and Herzegovina