Reception of the military attaché of the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China
Military attache of the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China in Latvia on July 18 held a reception on the occasion of the 91st anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Liberation Army of China
Diplomatic Economic Club®
18.07.2018 (15777)
Development of business cooperation
At the end of June took place the meeting of Latvian entrepreneurs with the delegation of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs led by First Vice-President S. Prokhorov
Diplomatic Economic Club®
26.06.2018 (14378)
Summer Golf Tournament
The traditional Summer Golf Tournament of the Diplomatic Economic Club was held on June 16 at the Viesturi Golf Club
Diplomatic Economic Club®
16.06.2018 (14501)
Reception of the Russian Embassy in Riga
In Riga, on June 12, the reception of the Russian Embassy in Latvia was held on the occasion of the Day of Russia
Diplomatic Economic Club®
12.06.2018 (14962)
Development of commercial potential
At a meeting at the Diplomatic Club on June 11, a presentation was held on the current state and use of the commercial potential of cargo transportation along the northern sea route
Diplomatic Economic Club®
11.06.2018 (14773)
Wishes for success
In the Diplomatic Club, a farewell evening was held on the occasion of the end of work in Latvia of the vice-president of the Club, the first secretary of the Embassy in Hungary, Aleksandra Csizmadia
Diplomatic Economic Club®
24.05.2018 (15309)
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