Riga, Kiev, Sao Paulo a new meeting

27.12.2016 (9211)
Congratulations of Christmas and New Year 2017

We wish good luck, health, strengthening of friendship and understanding, and of economic growth!
22.12.2016 (9401)
The development and strengthening of cooperation

08.12.2016 (32177)
Representation of the textile industry of Ukraine in Latvia

01.12.2016 (10435)
Water, water, water everywhere

24.11.2016 (12060)
Medieval buildings, churches in baroque and classicism

12.11.2016 (10204)
New products and trends in the beauty industry

04.11.2016 (9892)
Flanders Investment and Trade

27.10.2016 (11602)
Platform for business contacts and exchange of information

13.10.2016 (8499)
Meeting at the Diplomatic Club with the Ambassador of the Netherlands in Latvia

29.09.2016 (9864)
Reception of the Embassy of China in Latvia

26.09.2016 (8227)