Between Past and Future

02.05.2021 (15807)
The network of global corporate control
As protests against financial power sweep the world, science may have confirmed the protesters worst fears. An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy.
26.05.2017 (23737)
Modern Economic Diplomacy

The issues on the history and the modern impression of economic diplomacy, its significance in countries activities, the practical objectives and goals of diplomatic representatives are covered in this article by summarizing examples and experience
25.05.2017 (27111)
Latvian financial sector should work like a Swiss clock

05.05.2016 (14825)
Nord Stream 2 wants to unclog EU-Russia energy pipe dream
Plans to expand a gas pipeline from Russia to Germany will strengthen the EU Energy Union, Nord Stream 2 consortium spokesperson Ulrich Lissek told New Europe.
03.05.2016 (14962)
Democracy’s coming to the European Union
The idea of the European Citizens Initiative was introduced by the Lisbon Treaty. Specific rules and procedures were set out in a Regulation implemented by the member states since 2012. In this way the EU forces democracy principles into the Union’s decision-making.
08.04.2015 (29890)
Future of tomorrows’ economy: incentives for business
The future’s economic development will be based on a reduced-to-minimum distance between the supply-demand sides of the production chain. Another change is a shift from economic ownership categories to a „user-ship“ one. Business in the Baltics has to see the future trends and accommodate to changes
09.03.2015 (26668)
Energy union becomes a reality: Commission suggests practical steps
Diversity of participants gathering at the European energy union conference organised within Latvian Presidency in the Council of Ministers in Riga (6 February 2015) have shown great interest in the new European energy policy. Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President for Energy Union and Miguel Arias Cañete, Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy expressed the views of European Commission.
10.02.2015 (26739)
Quantitative easing in Europe: effect for Baltics’ economy
The European Central Bank announced recently a large program of quantitative easing (QE), involving a purchase of over €1 trillion of assets (mainly government bonds) in the euro-zone countries. It’s a huge change from a conservative ECB’s position in monetary policy with possible strong effect for economy and business in the three Baltic States.
28.01.2015 (20247)
New attempts to streamline lobbying in EU
A new version of the EU Transparency Register is being launched at the end of January 2015, following joint work by the European Commission and the European Parliament. It is the so-called „second generation“ of the Register and it implements the provisions of the revised inter-institutional agreement between the European Parliament and the European Commission signed in April 2014.
28.01.2015 (19525)
EU and third countries: investments’ equal treatment
In view of expected investments from countries outside the EU, the Capital Requirements Regulation No 575/2013 sets out certain rules to entities in third countries, which financial institutions can benefit from more favorable treatment. The rules through the Implementing Act will enter into force on 1 January 2015; thus, 3rd countries’ investments will be equivalent to rules applied in the EU.
16.12.2014 (15787)